{24} Surprise.

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"I feel stupid," Kathelyn says looking at herself in the mirror. I stand next to her and look at my light gold satin dress with spaghetti straps, then her tube blue sparkly dress. "We look great stop trying to back out." She lets out a sigh and brushes down her dress. "I feel... exposed."

"You have no clue what exposed feels like."

"You would know. I don't even want to imagine what you and Grayson were doing when I first saw you." I scoff and walk out of the bathroom. "Im surprised you haven't questioned how it happened. I mean last time we spoke I made it pretty clear that I hated his guts."

"And now he's rearranging yours." Kathelyn snorts walking out of the bathroom. This makes me gasp and I toss a pillow at her, and she catches it. I plop onto the bed and cover my face with both hands. "I don't get how it happened I guess there was just so much love there still that when I saw him again it all rushed in so fast it knocked me down. Don't get me wrong I'm still upset about how he left but I'm building up his forgiveness." 

Katie sits next to me and brushes her hair behind her ears. "Do you ever plan on telling him about Trevor?" My body goes still, hands slip away from my face. "I have this aching feeling that he won't-" Katie looks at me, "that he won't believe me. Somehow." She shakes her head and holds my hands. "From what you've told me, I'm sure he would listen to you. Grayson is a loving, caring guy why do you think he wouldn't believe you?" 

"Because deep down I know that Trevor got to him more than I did. Helped him through hard shit. All I am is a girlfriend. Trevor was his other half and I killed him." Katie sighs and kisses my hands. "He hurt you, Evelyn. You were seventeen, you didn't deserve that." My eyes meet hers and I feel like crying but for the sake of my mascara, I change the subject faster than I pulled the trigger. 

"Let's go, we need to meet up with Grayson and Adrien." I rise from the bed and Katie doesn't comment on my swerve so she just follows my lead. "Adrien is his brother right?" I hum a yes. "Wait isn't he like the little kid?" A laugh leaves me, "No, that's Brody, he's seven. Adrien is the second youngest, he's our age."  Katie just nods. 


I step out of the car, looking up at Grayson's apartment building. "Hey," I turn around and see him walking towards me with a big smile on his face. "Hi," Once he reaches me he pulls me into a hug. Then a kiss. Then Adriens pulling him off me. "Alright you two, no need to rub my ultimate loneliness in my-" Katie walks over to my side and Adrien goes quiet. 

"I-" He studies her, or more like devours her with his eyes as he scans every inch of her. "Adrien nice to see you too. This is Kathelyn. Kathelyn-"

"Baboon. This is Baboon." Grayson finishes for me. I chuckle and Adrien snaps his head to Grayson. "Excuse me, how dare you call me a baboon!"  Grayson shrugs with a smirk on his face. "Fits you." Adrien squints his eyes at him. "I'm never comforting you again you cold motherfuc-" 

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