{22} Calm before the storm

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FIRST! I have no clue what happened, I had finished the chapter and I was so proud because it was wholesome and cute, I posted it and sat back for a couple of days seeing the votes roll in from yall. I was happy and thought nothing of it. THEN, I had the urge to read my own chapter because of said wholesome scenes ONLY TO FIND THAT HALF THE CHAPTER HADN'T SAVED AND YALL READ A UNEDITED UNFINISHED chapter. I felt so stupid and was like' Oh I can just go on my computer and find the old revision on Wattpad settings...


It didn't save in here either! Which is weird because I still had a tab open of it showing me that I had posted the complete edited chapter and me being dumb reloaded the page just to find it back to the unedited and unfinished chapter.......


so now I had to sit down and REWRITE half of the chapter because I obviously don't know what I had word for word after like three MOTHERF- days. So with all the love in my heart, I'm so sorry yall got my unfinished work. I hope yall enjoy this second version of my chapter. 

Much love 



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My eyes fly open. A crashing pan downstairs is the reason for my startled waking. I look over at my alarm clock to see it's only seven in the morning. Who the hell Is in my kitchen?

I pull the covers off my body and step out of bed. My matching black silk pajama shorts and tank top do nothing to keep me warm. I just hug myself as I make my way downstairs. Yawns fall from my mouth. A sweet aroma filling my sense of smell. The lights in my kitchen bright enough to blind me.

"Hello?" I walk into the kitchen and look around. My sight lands on cooking pancakes on the stove. That's where the smells coming from. Yet I see no one. Once again I scan the room but I see the walk-in pantries door open. I make my way to it.

"Hel-" I bump into a hard surface as I turn into the pantry. "Oh, shit-" I look up and I'm staring at Grayson. "Grayson." He has this look on his face. Like he's somehow relieved I'm speaking to him.



And then Im being engulfed in a hug. "Im sorry. I shouldn't have said that to you I shouldn't have been so cold." He pulls away and then kisses my head. Gently, cautiously.  "You left me," I whisper looking at the floor. "I needed someone to be with me after what happened," I look up at him. "And you left me standing alone." Grayson clenches his jaw and shakes his head. "I was just to pissed at the fact that obviously you still are hiding things from me-"

"Grayson I thought we made it clear that I'm still not all the way in it with you. There's so much you have to make up. These trust issues all root back to something you did years ago so don't get pissed at me for wanting to protect myself."  I state crossing my arms. "Im still allowed to be upset." I sigh. "No one said you can't but I think it's bull that you chose a moment very difficult for me to get angry. We could've waited to talk later."

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