{34} Burn the world for you

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I've been sitting in bed for the past few hours staring head at a wall. At nothing. Yet, thinking about literally everything. It's like the moment I realized I had lost my first kid, the last bit of fight I had left in my dissolved, and evaporated before me in a matter of seconds. Just like that.

I don't realize Grayson is back in the room until his hand softly cups my chin up to him. My eyes focus in on him, his dark eyebags, his broken posture, the lack of brightness, his composure gone. We were a reflecting image of each other now, just broken images with broken hopes and dreams. 

"How are you feeling?" I scoot my legs to the side and he takes a seat next to me on the ledge of the bed. I shrug and look at something, I don't know what at, but it is definitely not into his eyes. Seeing his pain only multiplies my own, It almost breaks every bone in my body, and pains every move I make.

"The same." I manage to whisper. Grayson lays a hand on my leg and gives me a tight-lipped smile. "You hungry?" I shake my head, and that makes Grayson sigh in disappointment. "I'm not hungry." We both know that's not true, I don't think I'd eaten a full meal since before Trevor took me. 

"C'mon ev, you need to eat something. Please, you can't starve." I turn in the bed as I lay down, my back to him. "I'm not hungry," I repeat, quieter this time. For a couple of seconds, the room goes quiet, and I think Grayson has given up but then he brushes my hair away from my collar and plants a long, loving kiss on me. His lips stay on my skin as he says, "I'm not rushing you. I'm not trying to I promise you that. I just want what's best for you ev." I turn my head to come face to face with him, his breath warm on my lips. "I just need you, forever. That's all I want in this moment." 

"I have to go to an important meeting, it's over... well, you know what." His eyes change, they're darker, more agrrivated, and that alone is my answer. "But after that, I promise you I'll stay here in this bed with you if that's what you want. Sound like a plan?" I try smiling, but it barely comes out, yet he notices and I see his expression soften. "Rose is downstairs with Brody if you need her. I'll be back, call me if you need me." I nod and he plants a kiss on my head then he dips down and he catches my lips with his. Then Grayson pulls away and grips my hand before rubbing a circle on it and leaving. 


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