{12} Frustration

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Once Evelyn and I had finished having lunch, We drove to the mall. I wasn't one to go shopping if not for myself. I usually got bored or annoyed and left. But I can't help but watch As Evelyn skims through the dresses.

We were really only looking for a dress because we have an event to attend on Saturday which is three days from now. Wren was hosting the dinner for people like me and Evelyn. New and upcoming dealers trying to get their foot in the door with any deals they can make. So we obviously have to go.

"Wanna make yourself useful and go put these in a dressing room please." Evelyn gives me a warm smile and hands me three dresses. Without a single protest, I walk to the dressing rooms and open an empty room, placing the dresses on one of the hooks.

When I turn to exit the room I see Evelyn trying to contain a laugh as she walks over to me. "What?" I ask and smile not being able to contain the effect of Evelyn's smile. "So, I may or may not have slipped a pair of earing from the store in someone's bag." She giggles and her arm hits my chest.

That poor person.

"You're evil. But luckily it's funny so I don't care." I send her a smile and walk past her and out of the room. "Hurry up I'm ready to leave this hell." This makes Evelyn roll her eyes at me and shut the door. There were chairs outside the rooms so I sat in one and pulled out my phone.

As I was scrolling through my email a message notification pops up on my screen. I click on it and sigh when I see who it's from.

Bafoon (Adrien)

Bafoon: Yo, where u at?

I look around before I respond.

me: out. Why?

The dressing room door opens and I'm stunned to see Evelyn in an Elegant black square collar cut, black puffy-sleeved dress fitted to her body. Her breasts were visible from the cut and there was a slit at the bottom of the dress revealing her leg. The fit allows you to see every curve and dip in her body. "Well don't just stare. Yes or no?" I look up at her almost dazed. "It's beautiful." She smiles and bites the inside of her cheek.

She always does that when she gets nervous. She bites the inside of her cheek and looks away. And that's exactly what she was doing right now. Glad to see she gets affected by my words.

"I think I'll go with this one. The other dresses don't compare to this one." She says before shutting the door. When I look back down at my phone, I see Adrien reply.

Buffoon: dad's throwing a fit like a child.

Buffoon: apparently he saw you leave the building with Evelyn.

Buffoon: bold yet stupid.

I roll my eyes as I read the messages. Of course, my dad is finding a reason to dislike me. Just because I'm trying to rebuild a relationship that he basically caused to fall. if anything it's his own fault. He can suck my dick.

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