Dangerous Love

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Adrien Valor, the second youngest child of the Valor Dynasty, had never set his eyes on a more beautiful woman. Kathelyn Young had caught his eye in a way no other woman had been able to in his life, all it ever was for his whole life was one-night stands. His whole family was convinced it would stay that way, but here there was a young author in a struggle to kickstart her career. So Adrien, in an attempt to get close to her, offers to help with her troubles. Yet somewhere along the way, as this starts as an innocent act, it bitters into something not so innocent.
Slowly, Kathelyn gets roped into Adrien's affairs, ones she's not okay with. Her life has always been this stereotypical life, so how is she supposed to live the way he does? Or so she thought. As Adrien tries to keep her safe from the world falling apart around them, he starts uncovering secrets about her, about her past, about her supposed future. Quickly, the one-way broken innocence becomes reflected. No one is truly innocent and perfect in this world.

You know, I'm starting to see a pattern here in the main characters

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You know, I'm starting to see a pattern here in the main characters... Are you catching on?


{Bonus/ First chapter of Dangerous Love}

{1} Perfect.

Eleven Years Prior to Present Time

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Eleven Years Prior to Present Time

"Neil, No!" My mom yells in a pleading way that scares me enough to make me shiver. I hear multiple pairs of heavy feet run through the hallway, my face pressing harder against the stuffed animal in my hand. It was the only comfort I had in this small cramped closet, the only one not judging me for being a weak little girl.

Multiple gunshots go off in the house and I freeze, stop playing with my stuffed bunny, and look at the direction of the sound. Then it goes painfully quiet, suddenly not loud enough, weirdly eerie, and I don't like it.

I don't know what urges me out of the closet, but I'm off the ground and in my room. Looking around frantically, I see a dark shadow pass by my bedroom door. "Robin, what have you done..." My mom says with a shaky voice, her question to my dad having no response for what seems ages. The silence became our new friend.

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