{27} Nightmare

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My eyes peel open at the sound of Evelyn vomiting again. I sit up in bed and find her phone thrown across the room on the floor. The coughing in the restroom lets me know she's still preoccupied so I get out of bed and pick her phone up, only to find it locked.

Something had to make her angry or shocked enough to have thrown it, and that something also made her leave it on the floor to go throw up. 

That something is definitely not right.

Nearly seconds later Evelyn walks into the room stopping when she sees her phone in my hand. "Here, I didn't see anything I just saw it on the floor." I decide not to possibly throw us into another argument when she basically yanks it back by saying nothing. 

"How are you feeling?" Evelyn shakes her head. "I think I have a stomach bug. Stress maybe," That is true, we have been going through a lot, yet-

"You don't think you're pregnant do you....?" She stares at me. "Grayson don't be ridiculous we've only had unprotected sex once, and that was a week ago," She walks over to me, and wraps her arms around my torso. "Why do you suddenly look like you're scared," She sighs.

"Look, I'll take a test to prove it." 

An hour later Im sitting on my bed, elbows on my legs, looking at the timer on my phone waiting for the five-minute timer to go off so we can go look at the pregnancy test. Evelyn walks into the room crossing her arms blank-faced as the timer goes off. Im on my feet and I follow her into the bathroom. 

"You want to flip it or?" I take the offer instantly and pick up the test in my hands. Stare at the digital words in my hands, and shut my eyes. 


Jesus my head is still spinning. I have no clue why I had that sudden spiral. It's possible I just woke up with too much adrenaline in my system.

"See, no need to flip your shit." Evelyn takes It from me and tosses it in the trash bin. Now I know though that there's something she's hiding that did make her throw up in nervousness or pure stress and shock.  As if my day isn't spinning my phone rings. Evelyn leaves the room and I bring the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Valor! Im calling to let you know there's this masquerade ball where you mingle, make deals, and meet people; at random! And at the end masks are removed to reveal your perfect business partner." 

"No offense but there's too much going on right now and-"

"Grayson we also have a lead about Trevor and I need to speak to you about it." 

"Consider me there."

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