{14} No remorse

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As Grayson and I walk into the meeting room, I feel a weird mood swing in the room as my eyes land on a small velvet box in front of Jake wren. "Sorry, we lost track of time in a conversation." Grayson chuckles and leans over the table shaking Jake's hand. I follow, doing the same and sending him a small smile before we take out seats.

"I'm very excited to do business with you both. Truth be told I admire y'all's work." Jake notes. "I appreciate your admiration, not many admire the work we do without bringing our parents' names into it. Always giving the credit to the ones we were designed by." I state adjusting in my seat. 

"Oh no, they may have designed y'all and raised y'all but at the end of the day y'all are the ones signing the papers and scrolling the documents of partnerships and deals. Credit should lay on the ones doing the hard work." Grayson sends him a small nod. Then he pushes a folder to Wren. "In this folder contains the goals and deal we want to give you." Wren opens the folder and studies the files.

"Our main goal is to buy this plantation off of you and make it ours. Of course, providing you a share for owning the land the plantation is on." I add. Grayson hums in agreement before continuing. "We are willing to give you up to twenty percent of the monthly income we would gain from the power." Wren nods glancing between the papers and us. 

"We believe by adding this plantation with my and miss Cruz's name and pride put on the place more people will switch to using our very reliable power. This location in specific is also known mostly for having acres and acres of factories for the manufacturing industry in the area, so that would also be a big win in not only our names but our pockets." Grayson informs making wren whistle with a smile. "That you are right about. My pockets would be singing in joy." 

"But most importantly, we want to make sure there's no overturn. We don't stand for sudden contract changes or copping one out of the gain from our shares. If we can't agree on what we so generously laid out on a silver platter, it's a lost cause. We hold the power to rain down hell if we get played out of what we agreed on. I hope you understand that."

For what feels like forever Wren stares down at the folder containing the papers of our deal. At one-point I'm convinced I'm just going crazy and I'm deaf that I look over at Grayson for reassurance. He looked back at me just as confused. Is this man seriously questioning whether or not he wants to take the deal because he might not be able to change the contract?

"I'll have my people send over my finale decision with papers sometime this week if that's alright. I just want to go over this with my close coworkers." Grayson lets out a breath. "Yes, of course take your time, making a deal like this with two of the most powerful people in the country sure is something to think about." Both Wren and Grayson chuckle.

"Oh, and before I forget," Wren pushes the small velvet black box I saw when we walked in towards Grayson. "I believe you should have this." Grayson hesitates for a moment before grabbing the box and snapping it open. 

A gold bracelet with a small circle pendant on the band lay in the box. The circle plate had a initial carved into it, so I focus in on it to try and see. It was a 'T'. 

s Grayson brushes his fingers over the bracelet his breath stills. Then I notice a almost identical bracelet on his wrist. Except this one had a 'G' on it. But that's not what's suddenly made my blood run cold. 

It's not the even the fact that this moment might make me run for the hills. Not even the fact that Jake just cleared his throat and has said "When I heard about Trevor's murder, I knew in that moment his friends and family would be hurting. But when I found out that you too were extremely close, so close that most people I spoke to about Trevor's death mentioned their sympathy for what you must be going through, I knew you two were basically brothers. Someone that I spoke to; A family member of Trevor in fact, had informed me that you too had matching bracelets representing y'all's strong bond and asked me to bring it to you since I was to meet with you."  

Grayson swallows and his eyes flutter. "Thankyou. I loved him like a brother. He helped me through a lot when I got into pursuing this business and slowly, we became friends and depended on each other for everything. Dinner, drinks, advice, company, and just in general depended on the other to keep us alive." 

I can't fathom what I'm listening to right now. My mind is running in circles. It feels like someone's playing mind games with me right now. Why can't I just breathe for one fucking moment before another wave crashes into my body dragging me back under the water. 

Why can't my life just still for three fucking seconds.

"Trevor. Trevor as in Trevor Jones?" I wait for Grayson to say no, for him to lift this maybe guilt off my shoulders. But no.

"Yes, Trevor was my best friend." Dear god.

"My ride or die." No...

"The one that saved me from a severe depression where I almost ended my life." 


"How long did you know him?" Why am I asking? Stop this conversation!

"I met him soon after," His eyes meet mine. "Soon after I left your family." 

"Was he a good man?" Evelyn, you know the answer to this. Don't let him answer!

"Of course he was, I loved him for it." No, no, no, no I can't do this.

"Look at the time I'm sure to be heading home very soon," Grayson snaps out of his grief and eyes me almost shocked I flipped out of the conversation. "It was nice meeting you Mr. Wren, I do hope you decide what's beneficial for us all." I stand from my chair and begin walking out. 

But now I'm in Grayson's office picking up my coat and purse from the couch where I just gave him an orgas- 

"Are you okay?" I jump at his voice and flip around. "Yes of course, I'm just sort of in a rush to get home so-" I try speed walking past him, but he grips my arm and I jolt back into his chest. "What did I say? Did you know Trevor?" My blood fumes, burns, and aches at the name. 

"I've heard of him and his family but besides that no. So can I please go?" Grayson's hand slips off of me and I turn to see his hurt face. Shit. "Look from what I just heard you cared about him and I'm," I brace both my mind and heart for what I'm about to say. "I'm very sorry for your loss and feel extremely bad that you have to go through the pain of losing someone so wholehearted." That just hurt.

Because that's the biggest lie I've ever had to tell.

I hate Trevor Jones.

"We can talk more about this when we are together but right now, I have to get home so please, please don't be mad at me for walking out." Grayson nods in understating and I walk out of his office. 

I haven't felt a single thing for Trevor Jones in over three years. Not a single goddamn bit of remorse for the slow downfall of his family status and company. 

But I can't help but think... what have I done?

Because I just found out Grayson was Trevor's Best friend. 

I just found out that my rapist's best friend is the man that I'm catching feeling for.

I just found out that I, Evelyn Cruz,

 murdered Grayson Valor's best friend.

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