{20} Welcome home

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A deep sigh crashes over me, dip my head down. My hands run into my hair and I can't stop. I can't stop thinking. I'm the biggest overthinker possible. And maybe I deserve to feel like this. I worry about ruining everything yet I do it anyways. Make it happen. 

Ruin it.

I stand up from my office desk and walk to the case of alcohol. Lately, this thing has become my best friend. Pulling the cupboard open I grab a cup and shut it. Setting the cup down on the counter the whiskey pours into the glass and then it's against my lips. running down my throat.


And then you hear the pour of a second glass. Another pain reliever. "Don't drink too much." Arms wrap around my waist and a face is buried into the crook of my neck. 


My boyfriend... For now

"You smell good. I'll need your body wash." I scoff and set the still-full glass down. Turn in his arms and lock my hands behind his neck. "It's a secret." He hums and leans down planting a kiss on my lips. As much as this will make me overthink later, the moments I share with him make me happy at that point in time.

I choose to stress about it later and just enjoy how loved I feel being near him. 

"Mm," He groans pulling away. Rubs his lips together. "What flavor chapstick is that?" I can't help but smile and roll my eyes. "Seduction." Grayson lifts a brow. "Well, it definitely works as named." In seconds he's back on me. His lips on mine are like a glimpse of heaven. Soft. Sweet. Loving.

After a couple of seconds of making out, I pull away and hug him. Grayson seems a little confused but he takes me in his arms. "Everything okay?" He asks against my head. 


"I'm just tired." He pulls me out of the hug and cups my face. "Did you sleep after you left my apartment yesterday?" I say nothing. Just stare and shake my head. "No, I got busy with work I've been laying off." Grayson sighs and kisses my head. Marking me. Healing yet hurting me at the same time. 

"We have a meeting with both families soon. What are we supposed to say?" I ask against his chest. "Nothing. Unless they ask. What happens between us is none of their business." Grayson cups the back of my head and hugs me. He's tense. 

We both hate the concept of possibly having our families know about us. The only people who seem to get along are me and Grayson. The rest of the family bicker and hate each other. It's been that way since we went our separate ways. It still surprises me a little that me and Grayson have gotten together.

Well, besides Adrien and Brody. They don't seem to hate me. 

"Guess what I did also," The mood shifts as I step over that conversation. "What?" Im smiling again and this time I cram all my bad thoughts away in a storage box. "I bought an apartment. Seeing that you had a space kind of made me realize I've wanted one as well so," Grayson smiles. "You copycat." He starts tickling me and I push him away laughing. "Hey, but I didn't just buy it as a safe space I'm moving out of my parents. I need," I huff. Brush my hair back. 

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