Epilogue {How it ended}

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If you told me I would be here seven years ago, I could've called you crazy. Being happy was something I always struggled to believe in. It wasn't until I fell in love with Grayson that it was possible. We've only been married for a year but I can feel the many decades this will last.

Life was simple but perfect now. I can't believe the simple decision to give Grayson a second chance two years ago brought me here. That everything we went through still ended up here in bed with Grayson. 

He plants a soft kiss on my forehead with the power to melt me into nothingness. Two years of us being together still doesn't make his affection have less effect on my body. A simple kiss could kill me if he put his mind to it. 

"It's noon Ev. We should probably get up." He chuckles against my lips, but I snuggle closer and pray the silence in the house is permanent for another hour or two. "Shhh, quiet is becoming rare in this house. Gemma and Emory are in charge of giving us a few hours to sleep." 

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention the fact that my pregnancy last year was doubled? 

I was pregnant with twins.

The birth is something I want to call a miracle... but try pushing two whole humans out of your body. Not one. Two. Just a small reminder- that was my first pregnancy and I not only endured the pain of a birth but it was times two. 

Gemma and Emory were worth it in the end.

We wanted our kid's names to have our first letter in their names so when we found out we were having a boy and a girl we were so happy. Gemma was born first; she got Grayson's initial. Emory was born three minutes later and he got my initial. Let's just say when they grow up they will have endless fights over Gemma being older and the girl. I'll laugh at that.

It's like thinking about them summons them to wake up. We hear crying from Emory first and seconds later Gemma thinks it's necessary to follow in his footsteps and start crying bloody murder. I groan against Grayson's chest. 

"I just want a day off. Just one." I get up because I still love our kids and will not neglect them. Grayson follows behind me and into their nursery. The room was painted in a calm tone of pastel grey with their birth certificates, foot stamps, and ultrasound pictures scattered around the walls.

"Hey bud," I reach Emory first and gently cradle him in my arms. The moment Grayson and I step into the room they stop crying and babble incoherent noises of happiness. The small things they do make me realize why I wanted to be a mom so badly. They are so adorable.

Grayson tickles Gemma before scooping her up into his arms. "Im convinced she's got my face, Ev," I turned to look over my shoulder at the pair of cute faces. I study Gemma and Grayson to find the growing spitting image of my husband on our daughter. A smile spreads across my face immediately.

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