{8} Friends

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"Evelyn..." Grayson quietly calls my name as I shove my way past him. How could he talk to our first business negotiation on his own?! I was finally starting to put some sort of relief into having someone else to work with.

I've been stuck in this cage of work by myself for the past three years. Depending and leaning on myself. It's not like my siblings understand what I have to deal with. They haven't done a day of hard work like me in their entire lives.

I was basically thrown to the wolves of my dad's business the second Grayson walked out of my sister's life.

"I can't believe I was starting to put a sense of forgiveness into you." By then he was already following me slowly but as soon as I said something about forgiveness I hear his footsteps jolt. He then starts following me but at a much faster pace.

Almost anxious to catch up to me.

I turn into a big empty hallway, only my footsteps echo into the walls. But then of course Grayson starts catching up.

I'm trying my best to not listen to his voice booming behind me. Following me. "Evelyn, please!" Grayson's footsteps are getting closer to my trail and I can't help but speed up.

But no matter how hard I tried to get away from him, he caught up to me. "Evelyn-" Grayson's arm wraps around my arm and I'm tugged back, flipping around to face him.

"What the fuck do you want Grayson?" My harsh voice echoes in the empty, open hallway. "God, I don't know what you want me to do. I have tried everything to get you to forgive me." He takes a sharp breath when I pull a knife out of my dress pocket and hold it to his stomach.

"You really want to know why I haven't forgiven you?" He stares down at me blankly and gives a short nod. "Because you took the one thing I hoped you would care for." I press the knife ever so slightly more into his skin, causing only a small reaction from Grayson.

His jaw clenches before he speaks. "And that is?" I shake my head at how stupid he is. You would think the taker of the Valor family business would be smarter.

But no.

I use my free arm to grab his tie and tug on it, leaning him down. He was so close to me. I could feel his warm breath against my lips. We were only inches away.

"My trust Grayson."

His warm breath against my face is the only response I receive. We were now just staring at each other in extremely uncomfortable silence.

"The only thing I've tried to do this entire time I've been back," His hand finds my cheek and I flinch. "Is try to get you in my life in a somewhat neutral way." My hand drops the knife, my body taking a deep breath of realization of what I was doing.

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