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It's been two days since I left the hospital and I have received no call from Mr. Lee, Cheng, or Zhan ge. I guess he is still in solitary confinement. But thinking about it alone drives me crazy, and I decided to go.

I entered the bathroom to have a quick shower and when I finished; I wore blue jeans with a black turtleneck top and black sneakers. I was combing my hair when I heard bangs on the door.

I took a deep breath, trying to control my anger, and walked toward the door, but before I could open it, I heard another bang.

When I opened it... Wang, are you stupid, or just foolish? Cheng yelled at me, pushing the door. Anger was written all over him.

Both. I mumbled.

I don't care you almost had a heart attack because you caused it with your foolishness. But I was so angry when I heard Zhan had a heart attack. He was in the hospital for two days. Do you want to kill him before his time? He yelled at me.

Zhan ge had a heart attack? My hands started trembling. I didn't know when my legs gave up on me and I collapsed on the floor.

Yes, Why couldn't you just control your stupid mouth?

Cheng, I just wanted him to talk about how he feels and what he is going through. The tears flowed freely and I drowned in them.

That's rich coming from you, Wang. Aren't you a hypocrite? Did you ever confide in him when you were going through trouble? Do you even know why all the bullying stopped suddenly after Zhu Zanjin's friend raped you? Do you know he is serving jail time? Do you know everyone that bullied you was dealt with? He is fuming with anger and my heart dropped into the depths of my stomach.

What...are...you...talking...about? I yelled at him.

He rolled his eyes angrily and sat on the bed.

I'm not supposed to tell you this because I promised Zhan I won't but your dumb ass needs to know. When I went to see Zhan after I left the restaurant. We talked at length and he told me things that left me wishing I had magical powers to change the past.

When Zhan was in the hospital, you didn't go to see him for a day. He was worried out of his mind. When you went to see him the next day he saw right through you. He knew you wore concealer, he thought maybe you fought with someone. But the way you walked and hid the pain you were going through, he knew what happened to you. He said you told him you were tired and dozed off. But he said no matter how tired you are, you always come to him, he was like your safe haven. He knew you so well like the back of his hand.

At first, he thought maybe it was the person you borrowed the money from. He was angry but he kept it to himself until he got better. There was a day you forgot your homework and he took it to your school but he saw you been bullied and he wondered why.

He pretended like a student and asked a few people around why they bullied you, and they told him what happened. He was so angry. He went to Mr. And Mrs. Yang and told them what happened in their home and he is pressing charges. First, all the students who bullied you did community work for 3 months after school. Zhu Zanjin did one year and he also testified in court against his friend for raping you.

It killed him so much that you went through all that alone, it was eating him up, and he wanted to talk about it so bad but he respected your privacy and said you will tell him when you are ready.

He regretted why he picked you up that morning. He said if he had left you, someone, better would have adopted you. He blamed himself for not having enough money to pay for his treatment because if he had, you wouldn't have asked Xue Yang. He blamed himself you went through all that for him. He said he thought he saved you but only made you suffer. He said he was suppose to take care of you and not the other way round.

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