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"Hurry!" I say frantically.

"Wang, I am going as fast as I can. I realize you're upset, but you need to calm down." lawyer Yang said.

I bounce my leg on the car floor, mentally screaming at cars in front of us to go faster. "Did they say if he was okay?"

"I'm not sure. I know he's alive, but they said it was pretty serious."

"Do you know why it happened in the first place?" I ask lawyer Yang.

"Not yet. You can ask him when you see him. If he's awake."

"If he's awake!? He isn't awake?" I semi-shouted.

"I'm not sure. I didn't say that he wasn't," Lawyer Yang says, trying to not let my behavior stress him out more than he already is.

"Is that it?" I ask as lawyer Yang turns into a hospital parking lot.


I quickly unbuckles and gets out of the car. "Not the time, let's go."

I rush to the hospital entrance, getting extremely frustrated when I push instead of pulling the door open. I and lawyer Yang walk up to the front desk, to ask for Xiao Zhan.

"He's not allowed visitors right now, the doctors are still monitoring him very closely," the lady says apologetically.

"Do you know when he will be allowed visitors?" I ask right away, my heart beating fast.

"I don't hun, I'm sorry. Usually it's anywhere between a couple hours and a day or two."

"Two days??" I said, more to myself than the woman.

"I'm sorry, you can wait here if you'd like or because your name is here on his list, we can give you a call when he's available."

"I will wait here," I said, without any hesitation.

"Are you sure?" lawyer Yang asks, as we move out of the way to the desk in case anyone else comes up.

I nodded. "Yes."

"Okay, call me if you want to be picked up because I'm not staying," lawyer Yang said.

"I will. I'm not sure how long I'll stay. I went to sit down in one of the chairs in the waiting area. It's not very busy tonight but it's also pretty late, although accidents don't really abide by a schedule.

"Thanks, I'll call or text you if I hear anything or need a ride."


I watch as lawyer Yang walks out of the building. I think about my name on Zhan ge's call list. Got me thinking about his mom and sister. Maybe I should as him for the address, I might be lucky.

It's sorta sad though that his family doesn't even know he is hurt.

I still don't know why he got into a fight. As soon as lawyer Yang called and told me, I started freaking out. I was so shocked that Zhan ge would even do that in the first place. the last fight he'd been in was two
years ago.

Although, it might not have been Zhan ge's fault. It could've been started by someone else and he was simply defending himself. For him to end up in the hospital though, the other guy must've been pretty upset with him.

An hour goes by and my head starts to hurt. The mixture of the smell of whatever cleaner they use and the fluorescent lighting is making me feel a little nauseas. I try to stay off my phone because I don't have a charger and also it'll make my neck hurt worse than it already does. The chairs are extremely uncomfortable.

Six months to live (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now