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"Okay, so, first I think we should get food, right? Then maybe go and do something fun, bowling? Skating? Go to a park and feed the ducks? What do you think?" Yibo asks Zhan who sat in the passenger side of the car.

"I-uh, um, yeah anything is fine," Zhan says, still stunned by the fact that he's actually out of the prison and in the real world. Zhan shrugs, looking out the big window in front of them and getting lost in the image of cars driving all around, something that's so simple to the normal eye but so foreign to him. "I just feel bad. Like I'm some charity case or something."

"You're not a charity case. I'm doing this for me just as much as I'm doing this for you, honestly." Yibo says. "This is giving me the satisfaction of knowing that you're getting to do all this one last time."
Zhan doesn't respond, as the weight of Yibo's words linggers. It's hard knowing that this really is the last time. That it's the last time he's going to be doing anything at all, including living.

"Yeah, fine," Zhan says, seeming to understand Yibo's point.

"Yay," Yibo smiles, continuing the drive to the house. Zhan is lost in his own world when Yibo pulls the car into the driveway of their old apartment.

Zhan ge, we are here. Yibo says snapping Zhan back to reality.

You are still here? Zhan asks, sounding surprised Yibo still stays there.

This is the only place full with memories of you. Yibo replied, sounding sad.

They got out of the car and walked up the stairs and into the room. Zhan just laid on the bed and took a deep breath. Thinking of how perfect his life was. How much he missed Yibo. He just lays there, head buried in the pillow.

Yibo walks over to his wardrobe and brings out clothes for Zhan to try on. He can't go out in his prison clothes.

Zhan ge, Yibo tabs him on the shoulder. He takes one last long sniff and turns to pick a top.

"Well, do you like it or not?" Yibo asks, not wanting Zhan to pick something he doesn't want to wear.

"I do, and even if I didn't, I'm gonna be wearing it for a few hours, it doesn't really matter," Zhan says with a dry chuckle.

"That's true but still." Yibo folds the shirt over his forearm.

"Is it terrible of me to say that I don't really even want jeans?" Zhan asks. "Like I find them so uncomfortable."

"No, I'm the same way. If I could live in sweats I would. You should just get matching black joggers or something?" Yibo says.

"Fine, but do they have to be the same brand?"

"They don't have to be the same," Yibo tells Zhan, knowing he would feel guilty too.

Zhan picks up a jogger and quickly changes into them.

"That's so hot," Yibo says, eyeing Zhan in his new clothes.

The black shirt fit him perfectly, it wasn't at all baggy but it wasn't too tight that it looked uncomfortable. It definitely showed off his body though, that was for sure. The joggers were simple but somehow Zhan wearing them just looked so good.

"Thanks" Zhan says, looking down at his outfit and smoothing out his shirt. Zhan turned around and looked at the place one last time before they walked downstairs and into the car.

"Yeah um, so food right?" Yibo asks, starting the car and pulling out of the apartment parking lot. "Where do you want to go?

"I truly don't care, Bo. You pick."

"Zhan ge, you're picking. I can go and get food anytime I want, you can't."

"Okay, um, let's go to the restaurant." What do they have that I can cook? Zhan asks, looking out of his window.

Six months to live (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now