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I was bored with all the explanations until I heard Mr. Lee's last statement.

"Child abuse"...

Now I paid attention without missing anything as he continued.

He molests all his son's friends. When he told his mom she didn't believe him until she caught him in the act with one of the boys.

I reported him to three police stations. They will call him in for questioning and release him. When he found out I reported him, he threatened my family.

I was so upset I couldn't do anything. So, when some of the boys' parents dropped them off, I just took them to our office until it was time to take them home.

His ex-wife left him because of it.

A few months ago, Cheng came to the prison for the first time in years. I was scared for him. But he told me he was there because of his childhood friend and begged me to take care of him.

It was easy to get what we wanted from the prison warden. He complied with all of Cheng's demands, hoping he wouldn't press charges when he found out he was a lawyer.

We have recordings of their conversation and copies of the papers I used to report him a few years ago. You can also check with the police stations where I filed the complaint.

I was in awe when Mr. Lee finished explaining.

No wonder Zhan ge and I were treated differently. I also remember Cheng being unnecessarily upset about me not telling Zhan ge when the rape incident happened. I felt sorry and grateful at the same time.

The court proceeding went back and forth with the warden's lawyers. His payment must have been good because despite all the evidence, they continued to prove he was innocent. Oh God, I hate lawyers.

The case was ending when a woman walked in. As soon as the warden saw her, his shoulders slugged. She must be the parent of one of the victims.

However, she shocked everyone. She is his ex-wife with complete evidence. He was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.

I was relieved. This is a worthy cause. There's a price to pay for evil.

I was hungry and tired of sitting. Zhan ge pulled me outside to stretch my legs. I had been trying to make a difference in the world and thought I had found a cause to fight for. I was mentally and physically exhausted from being stuck in the same spot for so long. However, I'm glad things are about to change for the better.

Cheng, lawyer Yang and Mr. Lee were walking outside talking, but stop when they see us.

Cheng. I'm... he cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

I don't want to talk about it. He hissed.

I wanted to say, "I'm making dinner today, and I want you all to come". I would like to thank all of you for helping us. I pulled Zhan ge close to me.

Text us the time and place. Mr. Lee smiles before leaving.

Well, duty calls. We will see you later and don't forget you owe me. Cheng smirked at me.

What is he talking about? Zhan ge asked.

I. Uh, I told him I owed him for changing your room, giving us privacy and visiting time. I blushed.

Apparently, I owe you one now. Zhan ge teased me before pulling me into the parking lot.

Home or restaurant? I asked as I started the car.

Home... Please. I need to sleep.

Zhan ge went straight to sleep after we got home. I am standing in the kitchen, thankful to all the gods for helping me keep this man alive. My love for him is so strong that I can't even put it into words. However, I am grateful he is alive, and I will be able to show him every day for the rest of my life.

Six months to live (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now