jacaerys velaryon ; the torment of a lifetime

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summary ; requested by anon.

"Could we please have a friends to lovers Jace Velaryon x reader suggestive fluff, please?"

pairing ; friends-to-lovers!jacaerys velaryon x stark!reader

notes ; we'll pretend the dance of dragons doesn't happen and the starks still love jace 💁 also i for the life of me can't write suggestive since im touch deprived so im sorry in advance,, also unrevised 😔 also cregan is older


IT'S NO SECRET that the starks of the north were fond of the princess rhaenyra and her children, especially jacaerys velaryon. though wary of outsiders, they've often come to court on the behest of the crowned princess and future king to the iron throne.

you, lady (y/n) stark, was one of many things that jacaerys found enlightening about the northern moors. somehow, although dark and dreary, you found some way to remain a beacon of light. every where you went, you wore a smile and the pleasant sound of your laughter was never too far behind. he supposed that you were the reason he was so quick to visit winterfell.

at the invitation of cregan stark, warden of the north and your lord father, he had set flight for winterfell on the back of vermax. he had packed light, intending on only staying for a few days.
that is, until he was persuaded by you to stay for a fortnight.

"i don't understand why you have to leave so quickly, you've only just arrived," you complain whilst lounging on his guest bed. you flip absentmindedly through the book he brought – a present for the celebration of your nameday. jacaerys turns to look at you, a smile parting his pink lips.

"i have princely duties, (y/n)," he says, though he knew you weren't simple and you already knew that he was a prince with otherworldly duties, he had said this phrase with light tease. he continues to pack, hands delicately folding his belongings the way his mother had taught him. "but, i might be persuaded to stay."

jacaerys abandons his belongings and moves toward the bed, gently pushing you by the shoulder to make you move and make room for him. he sits, back leaning against the headboard.

"oh really?" you respond, your eyebrow raising at his comment. "what does my prince suggest?"

the mere title uttered by your breath is something that causes his heart to skip a beat. he decides he likes the way his title rolls off your tongue. heat begins to sleep up his neck and he rubs at it anxiously.

he looks away and gives a bashful chuckle, "well, i hadn't thought this far."

you roll over on the furs of the bed, looking up at him through your lashes. your hands joined together in mock prayer in front of the prince.

"anything my prince desires." you say. though he was sure it was a teasing remark, he can't help but feel the warmth that continues to blossom within him. he shifts in his seat and he's staring at you now, eyes drifting to your lips. he clears his throat when he realizes what he's doing, looking away to survey the room. you don't fail to notice this action, another smile creeping upon your lips. you both start to realize what you're doing.

"clean my dragon saddle for me," he suggests after a moment of thought. you make a face, immediately declining the idea. he laughs after your voice your concern, "fine. how about going.. dragonriding with me?"

you laugh again, but notice that's he's serious this time, "jace, i cannot go on the back of vermax with you, my father would kill you, kill me, then skin your dragon for pelt." now it's jacaerys' turn to laugh. he knows it's empty threats and merely a diversion from your real fear.

"dragonriding isn't so scary, i promise," jacaerys says, though it falls on to deaf ears. he takes a moment to look at you earnestly, a twinkle in his eyes,  "i'll let you hold on tight."

you assume he meant that you can hold on to him tight. the idea is pleasant, though you still decline the offer, "i'm a stark whose duty is to stay on the ground and i intend to keep it that way."

"just because you were born to be on land doesn't mean you can't free yourself and fly every now and then," he counters. you look down, pulling the abandoned book back into your grasp and flipping the pages to distract yourself from his truth. jacaerys feels his hand reach out, gently tucking a strand of hair that splays over the book behind your ear. his fingers trail to your chin, where he softly points it back up.

"come fly with me, (y/n)," he whispers, "and i'll stay however long you want me to."

"jace," you warn through a whisper. for ten years you and the princeling of dragonstone had remained close friends, forever ignoring the fleeting moments that were shared due to being so young. you both thought that just meant you liked each other as friends, but this, this was a whole new territory for the both of you.

the air goes still, yet full of life as electricity dances between you two. both of you eye each others lips cautiously, lids slowly becoming lidded with mutual desire. he swallows thickly, unsure now what to do. perhaps he should've taken up his uncle's advice and followed him blindly to the street of silk. then again, he was unashamed that this was his first interaction with a woman, and he was glad that it was you.

you, on the other hand, were unsure of how you wanted to proceed. you knew jace like the back of your hand and you were sure this one night of.. indulgence wouldn't harm your friendship. some part of you was hesitant to see jace in this sort of light. a woman grown with the desire to be wanted, jace was starting to tick the right boxes.

"jace," you say once more, his name falling from your lips almost as a plea, "kiss me."

his lips capture yours with uncertainty and lack of rhythm, though, he finds it quickly and almost moans in your mouth when you return it. your teeth accidentally knock together, but it goes unnoticed as you two continue to share a passionate kiss. you slowly reach for the lapels of his nobleman's robes, tugging at it softly. he grunts in declination, his other hand gently swatting away your hand.

"not this way," he says once he pulls apart from the kiss. his hair, now disheveled from the constant run of your hand through it, added to the purity of his face that he now wears. his lip, pink and plump, were tucked into a bite between his teeth. "i think i liked that."

you scoff playfully before echoing his words, "you think?"

now it's his turn to roll his eyes, "i know i liked that." with a lip bite of your own, you start to play with the lapels of his coat, your fingers trailing down.

"i know a couple more things i'm sure you'll like," you purr suggestively and jacaerys, once again, starts to feel the blush creep upon his neck. this time, it's more obvious and even goes as far to highlight the tips of his ear red.

"don't think this little act of yours is freeing you from a dragonride with me."

"i was thinking of a dragonride actually, just not on vermax."

jacaerys fells something catch in his throat and he starts to cough when your words reach his ears.

seven hells, you were going to be the death of him.

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