lucerys velaryon ; the king and the admiral

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summary ; with no war between the greens and the blacks, lucerys velaryon has found himself as king of driftmark. despite having almost anything he could need at his disposal, there is one thing that he cannot yet have.

⁀➷ pairing ; pre-established!lucerys velaryon x knight!reader

⁀➷ notes ; in an au where lucerys doesn't get offed by our favorite one eyed prince 💔 reader is a high commanding officer in the velaryon fleet and lucerys is also a lot older here,, i also can't bring myself to recast luke 😔🔫  rhaenyra is also queen of the seven kingdoms as the greens surrendered peacefully


the towering splendor of dragonstone is quick to come within sight after mere hours of leaving the docks of driftmark. without kind winds or waves to carry the ship faster to his brothers castle, the supposed short journey took a turn.

lucerys velaryon eyes his ancestral home carefully from the forecastle deck, his stomach beginning to churn as he recollects his thoughts on the nostalgia that surfaces–he was a boy growing up here and now it was no longer home.

"my prince," a feminine voice tears him away from the thoughts that blister his feelings. he turns his head, his face lifting at your presence, one of the many admirals within his garrison. "we should dock dragonstone within the hour, your brothers men have already flocked to receive us."

he takes a deep breath to stagger the sickness that's surly building bile within his throat, "good. i fear the sea doesn't agree with me today, admiral."

"the sea never fares with anyone, my prince. it's nothing to be ashamed about," you say earnestly. he gives you a smile at this and nods his head, his appreciation shown through the wild sparkle that's noticed from the distance between you two.

you two stare at one another, a stare that is a little too long that's fit for a prince and his fleets admiral. you clear your throat, suddenly growing nervous under his bashful watch and bend half at the hip, taking your leave after a moment.

when the ship docked and lucerys was rowed to the shores of dragonstone with yourself, you two were accompanied by the men of dragonstone. the giant gates of the castle open and the party leads you through the corridors, pictures of dragons swirled across the marbled walls.

tall gates open to the throne room where a party has gathered. from your recollection, the queen rhaenyra sits atop the dragonstone throne and beside her, prince jacaerys and his wife, princess baela, are awaiting. jacaerys is the first to break into a smile, rushing down the steps to greet his brother lucerys with open arms. you can't help but smile at the interaction.

"and who might this be?" it's the queens voice that dances into the air. eyes turn to finally acknowledge you and you grow shy underneath their observant gaze. you slowly bend into what you thought was a curtsy, something that lucerys quietly snickers at.

it's lucerys who speaks on your behalf, "this is admiral (y/n), she's one of the many commanders of my fleet."

"forgive me, your grace, my prince and princess, but i fear i'm not dressed for such an occasion," you say, your voice softer than usual. speaking to royalty was more nerving than speaking to foul-mouthed sailors.

rhaenyra waves her hand as if dismissing the notion, "have no fear," she pauses in between the phrases, "i've heard of your many feats in the velaryon fleet, you're more than welcomed at court the way you are."

with the queens leave, a guard approaches you and lucerys. you turn and watch as he turns on his heel, seemingly prompting you to follow his lead. you do as your bid, eyes scaling up and down the endless decorations that were cast into the walls.

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