jacaerys velaryon ; dragons breath & ladys lace

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summary ; drabble requested by anon as part of my 1k follower celebration.

"romantic confession #6 with Jacaerys?"
"6. are you really so oblivious?"

pairing ; jacaerys velaryon x reader

notes ; the place is similar to where jaime and bronn train secretly after jaime loses his sword hand.


jacaerys had tried every trick in his book to capture your attention, yet nothing seemed to be working in his favor.

he tried escorting you around the castle, sitting by you in the commonhall, and even going as far as arranging meetings in the pavilion near the jeweled gardens of the red keep. you, however, always took these actions as nothing more than a friendly endeavor – a command whistled by his mother.

he decided he had enough of playing games.

"where are you taking me?" you demanded, jace's fingers gently enclosed around your wrist. it's tight enough to keep a hold on you, but not to the point where it would hurt you. you're stumbling after him, desperately trying to catch up to his long, quick strides.

"you will see – be patient," he responds back to you, a toothy grin parting his lips as he turns back for a moment to glance at you. there's a coat of pink dusting his cheeks. what was he blushing about?

you give an audible groan, much to his amusement, and instead take a moment to observe your surroundings while he drags you along. you both are in the royal gardens, surrounding by tall hedges of flower walls and white, marbled sculptures that look aesthetic. you pass a three-tiered fountain, with a leaping fish atop, and it sputters out spouts of water, delighting any watcher. the hedges soon grow thicker, with more twists and turns.

the sea salt spray of the ocean becomes increasingly noticeable and the waves crash against the rock wall with thunderous booms. you're both going down steps now, his hand leaving yours as he steadies himself down the uneven gravel of the path.

"careful now," he shouts, his voice almost cracking under the weight of the sea waves. the path in front of you morphs into clarity and the vast, blackwater bay blossoms like a flower beneath the green foliage. there's seagulls flying, squawking out their cries over the gulf.

it's breathtaking after you take the last few steps out of the vegetation.

"it's magnificent, isn't it?" jace says, his voice light and ringing with the bell of excitement. he's rubbing his hands together for warmth and pulling his dark doublet closer to his body. he teeters over to the edge of the stone lookout, leaning over the parapet cautiously. "luke and i were exploring the other day, and we ferreted this."

he turns his head and grins at the sight of your slack jaw, the color of your face rapidly warming at the cold winds that slap your face. your hair is wildly flapping against the seawind despite the bonds that secure your hair, your eyes squinting slightly.

under your breath and silenced by the roar of the sea, you mutter, "wow."

"i wanted to share it with you," he says, moving closer to you and guiding you closer to the stone parapet. you're in between two dragon gargoyles, their wings outstretched with their mouths gaping. "it's meant for those special to me."

your brows furrow slightly.

"special?" you echo, turning your head to take a look at his face. he's watching you carefully, his bottom lip being sucked into his mouth as he thinks over his next words. he's less than a patient man, but he doesn't want to scare you off. "what do you mean special, jace?"

he laughs slightly, out of nervousness or at your ignorance, "are you so oblivious?"

he looks down at your hand, which is resting on top of the half-wall, and places his on top. the skin is warm, despite the few abrasion that adorn the palm. it's warm and inviting, a shawl of adulation settling over your shoulders.

"you're special to me," he starts. he bites his lip and chews on it, unable to find the words to release his torment. "i–" jace pauses, and in a sudden burst of frustration, "i like you, more than friends."

there's pure harmony and bliss that explodes in your stomach, sending your body into a pleasant euphoria. you laugh, the sudden reminder that you've been unknowingly declining every advancement he made. he chuckles alongside with you, but he's not too sure what you're both supposed to be laughing at.

your hands raise to cup his cheeks and you move forward to place a chaste kiss on his lips. he's instantly dumbstruck, his cheeks illuminating with another, darker pink hue.

"i thought you wanted to friends."

his brows furrow and he snorts out something akin to a chortle, clearly amused with the miscommunication, "no, i want to be much more than that."

with a noise of delight coming from you, jace moves forward to place a kiss of his own on your lips. you wrap your arms around him and return the action.

he wants to stay like this, forever.

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