jacaerys velaryon ; golden cakes

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summary ; drabble requested by anon as part of my 1k follower celebration.

"Can i have intimacy no. 24 w Jacaerys please? Your writing is so nice! ❤️"
"24. eating from each other's plates."

pairing ; jacaerys velaryon x reader

notes / warnings ; this intimacy is so cute?? like? please,, also this does mention eating meat a bit,, im unsure if anyone would be uncomfortable reading it but just in case!


there's a pleasant smell that flits through the air, as if carried by some breeze that's wafts through the open windows of dragonstone.

no doubt coming from the kitchens, you detected a hint of smoked sausage, cakes, freshly cut fruits, and cooked strips of bacon. the smell is enough to make your mouth water and cast a side-eyed glance to jacaerys, whose walking beside you down the array of halls. he looks indifferent though; nostrils slightly flaring at inhaling the scent, but his mouth is pressed into a thin line.

he's probably still trying to wake up; his eyes blinking away the dreariness of sleep.

you two are led by your senses, feet carrying you to the dining hall where surely your fast would be broken. the other members of the family are gathering, smiles and mumbles of 'good morrow' are exchanged. the dining table is lined with perfectly placed cutlery, fruits and empty glasses already filling the empty space of the table.

you and jacaerys fumble to the seats you usually sit at. you're more graceful whereas jace literally slumps into his seat. you stifle a laugh, your handing finding his to give it a little squeeze.

when everyone is present, the servants begin to bring in platter after platter. the smell that wafted through your nostrils just before, fill the room with an intoxicating aroma. you hum in content, hands gently rubbing together.

your hand grabs a serving tong and your serve yourself, grabbing an assortment of fruits, a serving of sausage, and curdled eggs. there's a thin, golden stack of cakes. intrigued, you take one and put it on your plate.

you dig into your course, savoring the way the sausage seems to melt in your mouth. you chew politely, pairing the sausage with a slice of apricot; it's a pleasant mixture of sweet meatiness.

jacaerys leans into you slightly, his pronged fork sneaking it's way over to your plate. you give him a look and a tired grin parts his lips when he realizes he had been caught. he forks a portion of the thin cake you hadn't had a chance to take a bite of. you playfully swat at his hand, but his fork successfully lands in his mouth with the piece of cake intact.

he's pleasantly surprised at the taste; his face contorting slightly and moaning into the food. some at the table send him a look, but chuckle at his antic.

"good?" you question, taking a small forkful of the thin cake into your mouth. it's sweet, but it becomes savory once you begin to chew. there's a maple tang to the coating, one that seems to beautifully blend into your tastebuds. you hum in delight and nod your head along with jacaerys.

he gently pushes his plate toward you and you give him a look, brow raising slightly. you watch him take another forkful of your cake, to which you giggle at silently before taking a bite of his potato pie.

it's creamy and delightful, the perfect ratio of smooth to clumpy. there's a slight chew on the bigger chunks of potato, but otherwise it's perfect in your mouth.

the cooks of dragonstone seem to outdo themselves with every meal, for jacaerys leans back into his chair, a yawn parting his jaws. he gives you a sleepy grin before moving forward, placing a delicate kiss on your cheek.

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