jacaerys velaryon ; north bound

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summary ; drabble requested by anon.

"Types of kisses #46 with Jace?"
46. A lingering kiss before a long trip apart.

pairing ; jacaerys velaryon x reader

notes ; this is part of my 1k follower celebration on tumblr.


"i'm leaving for the north," jacaerys says under a quiet breath that fans over your face. he places his hands on your arms, gently rubbing the clothed surface in attempt to reassure you. you frown, your bottom lip twitching downward. this would be the first time in a long time that you and jace would be departed. for weeks end, especially.

with war so close to home, you were afraid you'd never see him again.

jace tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear and a small, adoring smile raises the corners of his lips as his eyes teeter across your features, "why must you go, jace?"

"you know why," he hums, his hands abandoning your arms to gently cradle your face. his hands are a mixture of warm, soft callousness – no doubt the effect of handling a sword. "my mother requires their support."

you sigh knowingly. you were cursing the greens, cursing anyone who would've dared to question queen rhaenyra's favor for the iron throne. they were the reason jacaerys was being taken from you.

"do you know when you will be back?" you ask, your voice much more quiet now. there's a tightness in your throat and you feel tears begin to well in your eyes. jacaerys feels his heart mourn at the sight the glossiness.

he ducks his head, "i don't. but i will be safe, i swear it."

you flutter your lashes at him, the tears beginning to collect in drops on to your lashes, "all right."

you both stay silent, eyes searching each other to unveil words that weren't spoken yet. jacaerys exhales through his nose, it's slow and drawled out. he wants to savor this moment; he wants to memorize every imperfection, every beauty mark, and every line. but, he wouldn't have enough time in the world to perfectly map out your face in his mind.

he leans forward, finger trailing to your chin to gently lift it upwards. you feel the faint air of his breath puff against your lip before his lips connect to yours. it's soft, feverish and unyielding. his lips move in learned fashion against yours in a pace that's easy to memorize later. it's pure, blissful oblivion. without words, it's him telling you he will come home to you.

you pull apart, lungs aching with the absence of oxygen. you inhale deeply and your eyes flit open, looking up at him through your lashes. his eyes are still closed and his lips slightly puckered. he's savoring the moment, allowing it to dance on his lips and tingle the nerves.

after a moment, he opens his eyes with a dreary look, "i'll come back for you."

without another word, jacaerys leaves.

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