jacaerys velaryon ; tussled hair and peppered kisses

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summary ; drabble requested by @ raggedyoldwitch as part of my 1k follower celebration on tumblr!

"soft kisses on both cheeks and tip of the nose" + "your smile bring me so much joy"

pairing ; jacaerys velaryon x reader

notes ; morning breath doesn't exist in here because i've willed it 😭


light filters through the open balcony of jacaerys' room. the air is filled with the aroma of sea salt and petrichor that's carried by a gentle breeze, sending an obvious message: a storm would rattle the walls of dragonstone sooner or late.

you're hesitant to awaken. eyelids flutter open and eyes carefully blink away the sleep, pupils desperately trying to adjust to the newfound light. the linen curtains dance, the ruffle almost harmonizing with the crashing waves outside the window.

you softly moan and stretch, arms slowly withdrawing from around jace's body. your movements are slow and steady, careful to not rouse the sleeping prince.

he makes it obvious that he's already awake by lifting his head and turning it, adjusting his body so that he can comfortably face you. he gives you a sleepy, lopsided grin, his eyes still closed in content.

"mornin'," he drawls, a sharp inhale following. you return the greeting, hand moving to his hair. your fingers gently scrape against his scalp and he hums in delight at the sensation. you mess the hair, his smile morphing into a playful scowl. he glares at you beneath knitted brows. he doesn't do much to stop you, except for a small 'hey' that's voiced in warning.

it's when a grin parts your lips that jacaerys decides to get up. he steadies himself on his elbows, hovering over you and dangerously close. his small, even breaths fan over your face. he moves closer, his lips placing a chaste kiss on your left cheek, your right cheek, then the tip of your nose. his last action is to nuzzle his nose into your neck, where he then breaths a sigh on to the skin. despite the warmth, goosebumps decidedly pickle your skin and it tingles the nerves.

"your smile brings me so much joy," he settles some of his weight on to you. he's heavy, yes, but not heavy enough to suffocate you. his weight only brings comfort. "sometimes i believe you're a fragment of my imagination."

a puff of air snorts out of your nose, one that could be mistaken as a laugh, "i'm very much real, jacaerys."

his head surfaces from the crook of your neck and he gives you another smile laced with affection.

"i know."

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