daemon targaryen ; kairosclerosis

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summary ; requested by anon.

"Hey can u write something about daemon x strong reader. Her father and brothers are against their relationship so he takes her way on rhaenyra's wedding night, maybe some fluff in the end of them getting back to kings landing to visit with their children."

pairing ; daemon targaryen x house strong!reader

notes ; daemon smiling is something very important to me,, kinda lengthy since it tells leaving kings landing, being away, then coming back. lots of scenery jumps


even before being brought to the royal court by your father, lyonel strong, and accompanied by your brother, harwin strong, they had warned you of the princes ability to charm anything with two legs. harwin, being the dutiful captain under daemon's command, had many stories to share about his commander. much of his story's were warning you and dissuading any possible chance of kindling a relation between you and the targaryen prince.

they, however, had not tried hard enough.

the first time you appeared in court, it was no secret that there was an obvious and mutual attraction for one another between you and daemon targaryen. although his gaze was once set upon his niece, rhaenyra targaryen, it now fixated on you, the lady (y/n) of house strong.

daemon had done anything he could (within respect of course, as his station as prince and brother of king urged the latter to plead daemon to use caution); take you for walks around the red keep, lecture you about dragon history's and answered your questions with patience, and he even brought you out and about on the streets of kings landing. you were reluctant when he offered, but he had assured you that you'd be protected under his watch.

soon, kind words and thoughtful actions of chivalrous courtship had morphed into flirty, flippant remarks uttered under your breaths and lingering touches that slowly became inappropriate for two, unmarried members of different houses. daemon didn't necessarily care for proper courtship between two individuals, but he always treaded carefully in the public eye because he knew what your family meant to you and to his brother. though it was often annoying, he had reassured himself that everything would fall into place. besides, you were quickly becoming more than just a late night tryst.

the tryst that developed between you both had exhilarated you; to be doing something your lord father commanded against and to finally feel free against the claws of the dominating patriarchy and their rules. once a week had turned to twice a week, to thrice a week, then to almost every night in a row for what felt like forever. stealing kisses in between making rounds about the red keep, using the secret hallways to meet up and have fun on the hidden balconies. it was exciting to be desired this way and it reminded you of the story's you read when you were younger – of sworn knights who had taken their maiden lady and eloped to the far cities in essos.

your father did very little to show that he cared for your thoughts on daemon. every time his name was brought up, lyonel did his best to pivot the conversation or shut it down entirely. at some point, you got so fed up that you stopped talking to him for a week. a week full of torment for your father, but a week full of clarity and thought for you. after your little protest, your father had did the best he could to listen to you dreamily gush about the dragon prince about his latest adventures without rolling an eye or huffing.

then came the princess rhaenyra's wedding to ser laenor velaryon.

a laugh across the room draws daemon's eyes from the royal high table. he spots you, your head thrown back as your brother, harwin, tells you something that daemon assumes is funny. daemon allows a faint smile to form on his lips, his hand playing with his silverware as he observes your features. he knows them like he knows the back of his hand; he knows every freckle, every mole, and every sun-kissed spot.

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