jacaerys velaryon ; bound by duty

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summary ; requested by two anons with similar ideas, so i've combined them.

"can u write one with an arranged marriage to jace."
"can u write a jace fic where they r betrothed and she's unsure and he reassures her like my doing sweet gestures over the months? Also can we see after they r married and them happy"

pairing ; jacaerys velaryon x betrothed!reader

notes ; unrevised <3


AS THE ELDEST daughter of a great lord from a great house, you knew that there was only one thing that you were bound by; the prospect of marriage. your father had promised he'd find someone kind and respectable, someone who you wouldn't have to live out your life in torment from.

he had aspired you to find love and although his hands were tied by the suitors that came for your hand, he had advised you that you could take your pick from the pool. of the short list of names was prince jacaerys velaryon, the eldest son of princess rhaenyra targaryen and her prince consort, ser laenor velaryon. his title had caught your fathers eye and he had urged you to consider this match. not only was it advantageous, he knew you would be well protected under the wings of the dragon prince.

jacaerys velaryon was rumored to be a bastard, though, your father had argued that despite that, he still carried royal lineage in his veins. he was a dragon rider like his targaryen mother, something that your father said was very telling about his parentage. so with a reluctant nod of approval, there was a raven sent from your home to dragonstone, inviting the princess and her son to court yourself.

they had arrived within a few days, having ridden their dragons from their ancestral seat, dragonstone. your father received them graciously, supplying food for their dragons, and even planning on hosting a feast in their honor. your thoughts about jacaerys plague your mind as introductions are made.

he's tall and stands awkwardly, as if his height had been blessed to him overnight and he's still trying to get used to his longer limbs. he stands proudly beside his mother though, head held high as if it would make up for the awkward portion of his lower half. when he makes eye contact with you, he gives you a small, reassuring smile.

"perhaps we should allow them to acquaint themselves?" the princess says, half turning and placing a hand on the back of her son. he seems to be broken from his trance at well, glancing between his mother and yourself.

then you and jace were left alone – supervised, yes, but still alone. he follows you as you lead him through the hall-like maze, his hands joined together behind his back. the only sound shared between you are even breaths and the sound your heels make against the floor.

"i'm jace– jacaerys, i mean," he reintroduces himself, taking a peek at you. his bangs fall of his eyes and he shakes his head in attempt to move them from his field of vision, but he just raises one of his hands and ruffles it back into place. "but, you can call me jace."

jace. how lovely.

nerves begin to prickle at your skin, "i'm (y/n)," you respond. he smiles at this and dips his head, his eyes returning in front of him. your hands begin to wring in each other as you feel your nervousness bubble in your stomach. you slowly exhale, trying your best to keep it from overflowing. "we are to be wed."

the question comes out more as a matter-of-fact, though jacaerys doesn't notice this and simply chuckles, "yeah, i assume we are."

another awkward silence falls over you two. jacaerys feels like the collar of his clothes are too tight, so he begins to pick at it with his fingers.

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