lucerys velaryon ; crossing the line

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⁀➷ summary ; drabble requested by anon as part of my 1k follower celebration on tumblr.

"Type of kisses #3 with Lucerys?"
"3. A breathy demand: "Kiss me" - and what the other person does to respond."

⁀➷ pairing ; lucerys velaryon x reader

⁀➷ notes ; unrevised 💔


a man of little patience, it was sometimes too easy to piss off lucerys velaryon.

here you were, being chased by the prince of driftmark, carrying one of his letters in your hand. what was transcribed in the letter, you didn't know and didn't care, but it was the fact that this was the only way you could tear his attention away from his work.

loud footsteps thunder through the halls of driftmark, followed by your squeals of delight. there was this indescribable rush – something that made this moment more exciting than it should've been. lucerys is frantically calling out your name, his voice deepened by annoyance that you were sure wasn't ruminative.

your feet carry you light and quick, dancing through the empty space between the stewards of driftmark. you've managed to pass the great hall, the dining hall, and the apartment tower before the distance between you and lucerys' were now rapidly closing. it's within seconds of you realizing that he's too close that his hand reaches for your wrist, tightening around it just enough to softly tug you into a stop.

you stop abruptly and fall gracefully into the wall. the sudden thud against your back causes slight pain, but it's not enough for it to be bothersome. you're laughing and out of breath. lucerys is busy rambling about the paper that's in your hands, mumbling about how it was for his mother and contained important information.

the stern look he gives you is enough to set off butterflies in your stomach. being close friends, you two never crossed the line in fear of risking the friendship you shared. now, you felt compelled to catapult yourself over the line.

your voice is breathless and wavering, shaky due to the unsteadiness that the long-distance run had caused, "kiss me."

the phrase comes out more like a demand than a request. despite how your chest heaved, your words are clear. lucerys stops when he hears your words and almost wonders if he had imagined it. he opens his mouth and almost denies you – he feels as if this was some trick. his breath mixes with yours and you watch his gaze flicker in hesitance from your mouth to your eyes.

after a moment of giving himself some clarity and reassurance, lucerys surges forward and connects his lips with yours. they're soft and gentle, moving in a steady motion that allows you to easily fit yourself in. it's almost like two final pieces to the puzzle; two missing pieces that matched to make the depiction whole. the tender movement is enough to push you flush against the wall. he shuffles closer to you, his chest to yours, and his hand against the wall near your head to steady himself. the hand holding your wrist is forgotten, for that hand rises to caress your chin.

he pulls away, eyes fluttering and lashes kissing his freckled cheeks. he gives you a boyish grin. a breathless giggle spews from your lips and he joins you. your hand goes to his hair and you gently ruffle it, your nose scrunching.

lucerys licks his lips before slowly moving to kiss you again. this time, it's less rushed and more thought out. he takes his time, influenced by himself more than your words. he's almost drunk on the action and pulls himself away before he forgets where you two are. it's too public for what he's thinking about doing.

"you taste sweeter than i imagined," he says after awhile. you open your mouth in feigned shock, gently swatting his shoulder.

"you imagined this?"

he shrugs his shoulders, hand falling from your face to grab his document from your hand, "more than once, actually."

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