harwin strong ; the commanders tryst

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summary ; requested by anon.

"can you write some targaryen!princess getting married to harwin strong? maybe a younger sister to rhaenyra and maybe because she's the second child to the king she's put into the background but harwin is just utterly devoted to her."

pairing ; targaryen!reader x pre-established!harwin strong

notes ; when i tell you i screamed when i saw this in my inbox .... devoted harwin is my weakness,, i just know he's a giver.


"MY PRINCESS," a baritone voice slices the silence that's settled in the air. you know his voice all too well and the mere title sends a warm chill down your spine, stopping you in your tracks.

you spin on your heel with practiced movement, silver wisps of hair dancing in the air and gown flowing with life. you're greeted by a pair of warm, round eyes and brown tussles of hair that you have both grown too fond of. he's wearing the garments of a courtly lord; clothes of leather topped with a cape and adorned with house strong blue. it's strange to see him in this attire, but it's a lovely sight indeed.

"ser harwin," you greet, hands moving behind your back as the pair of you close the gap between each other. once you are close enough, "to what do i owe the pleasure?"

he takes a moment to drink in your appearance; famous silver hair in neat plaits and fashioned into a popular southern hairstyle that he had grown to like, a red dress with wide sleeves, and gold jewelry to match your skin. he sucks in a quiet breath – gods, how beautiful you looked.

he surveys the dim-lit hallway, carefully examining if there were any one to see or hear what was about to transpire. he suddenly grasps your arm with his gloved hand and pulls you into the nearby room. you don't have enough time to react, but you feel the press of your back against a wooden door and soft, warm lips against your own.

you melt into the kiss and return it happily, a sigh falling from your mouth when you part. although it's short lived, you can't help but hold on to the lingering buzz of ecstasy on your lips. your eyes flutter open and notice how visibly dark it is, though, you can make the faint outline of ser harwin's face. you raise a hand and gently caress his cheek; he responds by closing his eyes and leaning into your touch.

"i've missed you," he starts, opening his eyes after a moment as he holds the wrist of the hand that's touching his cheek. he moves your hand just enough to give the palm a kiss. his hands move to your own face, gently moving your hair behind your shoulders. he leans in and kisses your forehead, inhaling the sweet scent of perfume that lingered in the air around you. ser harwin was obsessed. "i'm sorry that i haven't had the time to see you," he pauses, "it was never the right moment."

"and i've missed you," you respond, eyes fluttering as you stare up at the knight in front of you once he pulls away. a smile reaches his eyes, one that you can't help but return. "it's alright, i thought that would've been the problem. but, we're here now, aren't we?"

you move to your tippytoes, hands against harwin's chest for support as you lean up to kiss his cheek. your hand grazes against the clothing, making a beeline for his shoulders. your hands find his hair and tug at the curls with refined gentleness.

ser harwin hums, "not here, my love. i have some news i'd like to share." this gains your interest, so you halt your advances and retreat, returning to lean against the door. you relax and your hands find the strap of his scabbard, tugging at it playfully.

"and that is?"

the knight clears his throat and moves away from you, too distracted by the small advancements you were making. he thinks for a moment, deciding how he would share the conversation he had with his lord father, lyonel strong. he thought that the outcome was a great idea, but was nervous to hear your response. he had hoped your devotion would match his.

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