jacaerys velaryon ; unbent and unbroken

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summary ; drabble requested by anon as part of my 1k follower celebration on tumblr.

"Naz (Urdu) - assurance/pride in knowing that the other's love is unconditional and unshakable with Jace ❤️"

pairing ; jacaerys velaryon x betrothed!reader

notes ; au where visenya lives and nyra ends up as queen AND has all six children living, because that's my favorite trope 🧡 slight warning because jacaerys is a certified lover boy and this made ME shy writing it,, it's also currently 1am so very obviously unrevised sorry lads


all young lords from across the country had flocked to king's landing to court the princess visenya targaryen. queen rhaenyra, first of her name, decreed that visenya would choose her own suitor – the same luxury her father had granted her all those years ago. these courtships lasted almost a month and jacaerys was quickly tiring of the constant attention.

his mother, somehow, persuaded him to stay when he was threatening to leave a fortnight in to the occasion. she told him that he was the prince of dragonstone and crowned heir to the iron throne, and it was one of his duties to see his only sister off.

to share his agony, he dragged you, his betrothed, with him to kings landing. it wasn't much so dragging, per se, you loved celebrations; the music, the attire, the food. despite being promised to the heir of the iron throne, lords from across the lands always found some way to flirt with you, whisking you away from your handsome prince.

instead of being your knight in shining armor, jacaerys would grin and watch the lords take you away. he never paid any mind. no jealousy, no spite, or sour looks. he was absolutely confident in your faithfulness. despite not being married just yet, you and jacaerys shared an indestructible bond – one that he put his all in. when alone, you two would gossip about what the lords would willingly tell you. jacaerys thought it was hilarious how much trust they had put in you within mere hours.

his attention is torn away from the conversation he was having with his mother. he knows it's disrespectful, especially in front of crowds, to not be listening to his queen mother, but he didn't care. instead, a smile spreads his lips open like the way a crowd does when royalty approaches. he's watching you carefully, his stomach twisting in knots, doing flips, somersaults, as he watches you toss your head back and laugh – it's loud, boisterous, and undoubtedly you.

no envy, no anger – only bliss. he's ready to chuckle himself as if he heard what you were laughing about, but the touch on his shoulder brings him back to the present. he turns to his mother, mouth slack as he realizes his disrespect. he's ready to apologize, but the soft look on his mother's face dissuades him.

"you're not worried?" she asks, following where his gaze had once gone. the queen is eyeing you and surprisingly, a smile hugs her right right cheek.

his attention returns to you and he shakes his head, dark strands of hair bouncing with volume, "not at all. look at her, she's marvelous, isn't she?"

queen rhaenyra's eyes return to jacaerys, where she watches him continue to smile absentmindedly at the sight of you conversing with other lords. he reminds her so much of her former lover; like a spitting image.

the same devotion jacaerys bears for you is something she's envious of – it was something she herself had all those years ago.

"she returns to me, without fail, every night. they can laugh with her all they want, but she's mine," jacaerys continues, hand settling on the loop of his belt, "and i am hers."

the words make thoughts become real and he feels pride bloat in his chest. tenderness, sincerity, and unconditional, irrevocable love floods his being when he fully understands that he's off the deep end. he's infatuated, so desperately in love with you. you are to jacaerys as wine is to a drunkard – he wants to drown himself in you and keep you by his side, his cup never emptying.

feeling a hard stare that's almost burning holes into your skull, you turn your head and meet jacaerys' distracted gaze. your smile only seems to broaden and the prince feels himself swoon. he's so lucky, lucky in the fact he's found love doing his duty, and blessed that it's you. he gives you an equally big grin, his teeth poking out beneath his pink lips.

he's perfectly imperfect and you're beautifully crafted by the gods themselves.

you give him a bashful wave, one that he returns smoothly. he can hear his mom giggling beside him, but he doesn't care. lords and lady's can call him names, his uncles can call him a lovesick fool, but he'd rather be that with you by his side than anything else.

you're both staring at each other now, each gaze soft and full of unwavering adoration.

he notices that your mouth moves in silent words.

he's sure it's saying, 'i love you.'

jacaerys bites his lip to try and conceal the wicked grin that's eating at his cheeks – a harsh fatigue beginning to settle under the flesh. he waits a few moments before he mouths the same exact phrase back to you.

"excuse me, your grace," he moves to give his mother a chaste kiss on the cheek. he dips his head in respect before moving away, making a beeline towards where you were. he finally reaches you, smiling at the other lords, "pardon me, my lords, but my betrothed is needed elsewhere."

the lords mutter words of 'my prince', 'my lady', and perhaps a goodbye was thrown in. jacaerys doesn't pay mind to it, for he slips his hand into yours and pulls you into his side, leading you away from the crowd.

you giggle, "i'm needed elsewhere, am i?"

jacaerys shoots you a look in the corner of his eye; he was never a good liar.

"yes, your handsome and dashing, young prince needs you."

"handsome and dashing, hm? let me know when you see him." you tease.

it's jacaerys' turn to laugh and he gently pinches you through your dress, you jump at the action.

"maybe i should just return you to the lords over there?" his steps slow and his brows furrow, his arm removing itself from the small of your back. he gently motions towards the lords he had just taken you from. he starts walking toward them, a grin on his lips. his cheeks are crying out, but the pain is worth it.

you swat at him and pull him back towards you, "you wouldn't dare."

"want to see?"

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