[22] The Phone Call

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General POV:

The old lady and her grandson slowly faded away into the distance, causing Meg to sigh in relief. She replayed the scene in her head where he whispered something in her ear and placed a gentle kiss behind on her neck and gagged. Meg sighed and sat down on a bench nearby. Near the entrance of the park. She couldn't believe this guy, Aidan. She definitely knew something was up with him, the moment she lay her eyes on him.

Meg felt serious deja vu because of Aidan but she wondered why. Then, she put two and two together and instantly knew. The new girlfriend, the old lady's oldest grandson, she was talking about Armand. Of course he was! They were probably very close and were, she assumed to be, cousins! Matter of fact, he looked so similar to Armand, it was difficult to tell the difference between both of them.

Meg thought it would be great to just check if he was seeing things and similarities between Armand and Aidan or if she was just being silly. So, she pulled out her phone and typed in Armand's instagram. She went onto his page and checks his posts to see if Aidan is in them or closely related to them. But then she finds... nothing! So, she was about to get off of his page but then she decided to check who he was following and then, she finally saw Aidan.

"Aha!" She accidentally blurted out, causing weird looks to occur on her. She covered her mouth and apologised awkwardly to people walking by the bench she was sat on. People rolled their eyes at her and others stared at her for a couple of seconds.

Shortly after the incidents of random screaming, she starts to scroll through tiktok as she begins to feel bored. She wished somebody was here to keep her company. Maybe Milo? Or Ethan? She didn't know who, or care who, she just needed somebody. She didn't even mind if that weirdo Aidan would show up again with his awfully, too sweet grandma.

Suddenly, she was rudely awoken and disturbed from her deep thoughts and endless and mindless scrolling when her phone began ringing like mad. She looked up at the top of her phone and it read, "Unknown Number." She sighed and answered the phone, but she stopped before she did.

"What if, this was Armand trying to scare me about his dopey little cousin and they are some how working together to kill me or something?" Meg thought to herself.  "Oh whatever, I can't wait to scream at him through the fun, this is going to be so much fun!"

She couldn't wait to embarrass him because she knew that he missed her a lot and she couldn't wait to poke fun at him because he didn't have her anymore. She could flex it. So, she pressed answer and spoke.

"Haha, Armand. You don't have me now so you are trying to scare me, aren't you?"

"Wha-" A voice said.

"Yes, that's right. I know that's why you are calling from an "Unknown Number" because you think I'll be scared don't you? Haha, this is so fun." Meg said, laughing through the phone.

"Meg, what the hell? It's Amy and that Armand guy must've really broken your heart if you would answer his phone like this." Amy said.

"What? Amy? Huh, I am so confused!" Meg said, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Girl, It's Amy! Not Armand, or whatever his name was. Why are you so mad at that guy anyways?"

"Never mind that, why are you calling from an unknown number?"

"I am at my grandma's house and I guess when I used her phone it says that. Probably because she wants her phone to be blocked, she's really weird. Anyways, how are you and what are you up to?"

"Nothing much, Milo and Ethan are just playing basketball-" Meg was instantly cut off by Amy.

"Did you just say Ethan, playing basketball?" Amy replied with happily and quickly.

"Yes? Uhm, anyways they are playing basketball and I'm alone on the bench. I've already played with every flower and dog that walks in the gates so now I'm bored and I don't know what to do!"

"I know! Oh my gosh, why don't I just come over and we can go for a stroll in the park?"

"I've already done that a couple billion times." Meg said.

"Okay, fine we can do other things like get ice cream or something? I don't know but when I get there I'll think about it."

"Wait, aren't you at your grandma's house? I really don't want to cause any fights or problems because of this, since you are going to be leaving her to come hang out with your friend. I mean, like I always say, family always comes first, no matter what."

"I don't think you've ever said that, Meg. But whatever, it's fine. I'm sure she wouldn't mind, she's making dinner for the rest of the family so she wouldn't mind me gone for now. Besides, it's hella boring at her house, she just talks about her boring ass stories back when she was born or as I like to call it, 'The Time of The Dinosaurs'!" She explained.

"Okay, fine. But no more mean jokes about your grandma okay? She loves you." Meg giggled.

"Okay, bye Meg. See you soon." Amy said before cutting off.

Meg sat down and waited for Amy to come over. She waited 5 minutes, then 10, then 20. She was getting so sick of waiting, until finally she arrived 30 minutes later.

"Oh my gosh hey! You took so long but hey!" Meg said, getting up from the bench to hug her best friend tightly.

"At least I am not late. I mean, you didn't say a specific time to come by so why not take my time?"

"Oh, that's actually quite smart Amy. But really mean. Haha, anyways what shall we do now?"

"Oh, why don't we just like walk around the park and torment the little kids at the playground?"

"Okay, the first idea is great but the second idea is just no, way too mean Amy!" Meg said, before being pulled on the arm by Amy.

"Too late, we are going to do the second option first." Amy said, walking towards the playground.

Omg hey! this chapter ended on a fun note bc of Amy haha, i remember going to the park like everyday when i was 6 just to go on the swings and omg it was so fun, then we got like a swing in our garden and that was so fun lol but its gone now haha, lmk what kind of stuff u got in ur garden (if u got anything haha)

Anyways, I really hoped that you found this chapter interesting, please kindly vote and comment as I would love to hear your opinions and thoughts about it! <3

*Important Reminder: also remember to eat well, sleep well and stay hydrated. also luv urselves bc yall are like too good for this world!*

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