[36] Deja Vu, Again

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General POV:

Finally, it was morning time and all 4 of them had had fun last night. Fun as in hugging and bonding over small, cute little things for Ethan and Amy and fun as in having some fuck time (as said by @WPStoriesbySyd, love ya syd <3) for Milo and Meg. Meg had had sex for the first time ever, last night and since she'd always wanted her first time to be special, Milo made it super special cause he loved her loads.

But anyways, back to this morning. Milo and Meg were the first to wake up, surprisingly. However, Meg was in pain. She could barely walk due to, well, you know Milo.

"Thanks alot, Mi! I can hardly walk now, all because of you!" Meg said, pointing her finger at him.

"Well thanks for saying I did a great job with it, without saying "I did a great job". Milo chuckled, smirking at her.

"Alright, go wake Ethan and Amy up, I've got a surprise for all of us!" Milo said, causing Meg's eyebrows to raise. She was super suspicious about this new surprise he had planned.

"What's going on, Mi? What 'surprise'?" Meg asked, in confusion.

"Nothing, just go on. Go get them." Milo said, grabbing a bowl and a cereal box.

"Alright! Alright! I'm going!" Meg said, putting both her arms up, besides her face.

Meg got up from her chair at the table and went to wake up Ethan and Amy. She knocked on the door gently, but then there was no sound so she banged a little louder until Ethan opened the door. 

"What?" Ethan asked, rubbing his eyes. He looked drowsy and not woken up fully. His eyes were practically still closed.

"Did you sleep well?" Meg said, smiling at how sleep he looked.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Yeah, slept well." Ethan said, basically mumbling every word.

"Okay, get up and come on, Milo says he's got a surprise for us so it's urgent, so basically just hurry the fuck up! Where's Amy, by the way?" Meg said.

"She's in the bathroom, right now. She'll be out in a bit so yeah. I've already brushed my teeth so I'll come. But imma wait for Amy to come out." Ethan said, pushing the door closed.

"Okay, then." Meg whispered under her breath, as she was just shut out of his door.

Meg made her way back to the kitchen and Milo was at the sink, washing up. He was finished with his cereal, so after he finished washing up the dishes, he came over to Meg. Meg was planning on eating cereal as her breakfast, to kill time and to wait for Ethan and Amy to come out of the bedroom. 

She was finding it difficult to reach the cereal box which was in the cupboard, higher than her height. Milo noticed her struggling to find reach of the box, so he decided to help her.

"Here, let me help you out, there Meggie." Milo said, leaning over her tiny little body.

Her heart thumped loudly, almost as loud to hear it out loud, and she felt an immense wave of deja vu, flow over her. She remembered this exact moment from ages ago. 

"Uh," Milo stuttered, as she tilted her head at him, looking at him with doe-eyes. They were about to kiss when Ethan came in.

"Short-ass." Ethan said, abruptly ruining their moment by walking in on them.

"Seriously?" Meg said, her hands against her face. "You just had to come in and ruin the moment!"

"Well you wanted me to come, so I'm here!" Ethan said, coming over to lean on the counter, grabbing an apple at the same time.

"Eat something proper, 'cause we've got a big day today!" Milo said, running around Ethan and grabbing the apple off of him.

"Oh my god! Just spill the tea already! What's going on, and the fuck is it with this surprise, Milo? Just tell us, already." Amy said, making her to the table where everyone else was.

"Fine, I'll say it. We're..."

"We're..." Amy said, repeating after him, flailing her arms about, trying to get him to say it already.

"Going, to, the," Milo stopped after each word.

"Oh just fucking say it already. Stop taking the piss, man." Ethan said, munching on the apple which Milo had taken off him before.

"Hey, I thought I took that off you. Why are you still eating it, man?" Milo said, avoiding the situation.

"Oh just fucking say it, Milo!" Meg yelled, which only then Milo said it.

"FINE! We're going to the fucking beach, alright?" Milo said, practically screaming.

"The beach, again? Woohoo! Can't wait to get tanned, eek!" Amy said, grabbing onto Meg's arm whilst shaking her whole body about.

"The beach? Oh shit, looks like I'm gonna experience deja vu once again." Meg chuckled to herself. "But yeah, Aimes. Sounds fun! Let's go get our stuff and pack!"

"Ee! Alright, let's go!" Amy said, before running off with Meg, only to be stopped in their tracks when Milo called them back.

"Uh, uh, uh. Wait up, you two. I just gotta say, this was the best summer holidays of my life. Thank you, Ethan for keeping me safe and warm and letting me have a roof to live under and, and thank you Meg, for making this so special for me, you truly are the best person I've ever met and I'm so eternally grateful for every moment I've ever spent with you." Milo declared, his declaration of love and respect towards these guys made them all almost shed tears.

"And I'm taking you all as a treat and because, well, it's almost the end of the summer holidays/vacation so fuck, why not?" Milo said, jumping about with the rest of them and then after hugging them all.

"Awwe! Well this was so sweet, but where's my appreciation?" Amy said, joining in on the jumping and hugging.

"Pfft. I don't know, maybe ask Ethan and he can tell you every single thing he loves about you. Oh yeah, you know, you're hair, your perfect smile, your perfect body, you know that sort of stuff-" Meg teased Ethan before she was punched lightly in the arm by him.

"Shut the fuck up, Meg! God...!" Ethan said, rolling his eyes at her, seeming obviously pissed at her.

"Alright, enough. Now come on, Meg. Let's go pack!" Amy said, taking Meg's hand.

"Okay, bye guys." Meg said, waving goodbye to both Ethan and Milo and they said 'goodbye' back.

"Wait, Amy. Can I tell you something?" Ethan said, pulling Amy back.

"Alright, well, I'll go pack, you two can talk or whatever. Peace out, homedog." Milo said.

"Uh, sure. Wait, Meg. Go to the room and pack without me, I'll be with you in just a second. Amy said. "Yeah, so what's up, Ethan?"

"So uhm, when Meg was teasing me, well, all the things she said. Well, they were what I said I liked about you, whilst you were in the bathroom today. She thought it would be a great idea to ask about you and so I said everything cause I was a little bit dumb in the early morning, but yeah. Oh my god, why am I still waffling on? Am I a waffler? Because this seems so du-" He was cut off from his waffle-talk when she just kissed him deeply and passionately on the lips.

"Uh, uh-" He stuttered as she pulled away from him. She just smirked and ran off.

omg im gonna die, rn its 10:42 pm and i have until 11:59 (end of this day) to finish this book ahhh wish me luck, also if ur reading this like before i publish the next chapters, sorry this book is literally at the end, just 1 or 2 more chapters to go! AHHHHHHHH

Anyways, I really hoped that you found this chapter interesting, please kindly vote and comment as I would love to hear your opinions and thoughts about it! <3

*Important Reminder: also remember to eat well, sleep well and stay hydrated. also luv urselves bc yall are like too good for this world!*

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