The Isle of Armor

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Gloria walked out of the cart and saw an amazing beach view and looked around more to see more Pokémon including a few Galarian Slowpoke, some Buneary, and even some Abra.

Gloria was amazed but then she saw The young man again.

"Why are you following me?!" The Young man questioned Gloria who stared at him dumbfounded.

"I'm looking around the Isle Of Armor, who are you again?" Gloria asked as the young man sighed and shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm Avery, Sorry for being such a jerk, I'm on edge because I thought that you were my rival, who happens to want to steal my family's legacy, until I noticed it was just you" Avery said "My sworn enemy is named Klara and she wants to be a Poison Gym, whereas my family has been a Psychic Gym"

"Well, How 'bout a demonstration?" Gloria said as she brought out her Poké Ball.

Avery scoffed before speaking once more.

"Why not?" Avery said as he tossed out his Poké Ball revealing an Abra.

Gloria then tossed a Poké Ball of her own that sent out a Galarian Slowpoke. Gloria then smiled as she shouted.

"Slowpoke use ..." Gloria looked at her Pokedex and then continued "Psychic!" Gloria shouted.

"Abra use Teleport!" Avery shouted as his Abra failed to teleport in time.

Avery's Abra was then hit by the psychic and flung up and down against the ground, and then tossed aside where it remained fainted.

Avery scoffed as he sent out his next Pokémon, his Galarian Slowpoke. 

"Slowpoke use Confusion!" Avery shouted as his Slowpoke began it's attack. Avery's Slowpoke created a small telekinetic force and used it to attack Gloria's Slowpoke.

Gloria then watched as her Slowpoke fainted and she brought it back and sent out a Solosis.

"Solosis use psybeam!" Gloria shouted as her Solosis used some of it's psychic energy to attack, with a beam made out of the psychic energy. Gloria watched as her Solosis nearly fainted Avery's Slowpoke. Avery seemed confused though, and was rapidly becoming angrier and angrier.

"Slowpoke, use Acid!" Avery shouted as his Slowpoke attempted to spit an acidic liquid at Gloria's Solosis.

" Solosis, quick use Confusion!" Gloria shouted as her Solosis sent out some Telekinetic energy to confuse and harm Slowpoke, but Avery's Slowpoke fainted and returned to it's Poké Ball, Avery stomped his foot in defeat and glared at Gloria in anger before walking up to her. Avery somehow then began to grab Gloria using his Telekinesis.

"You, stay away from the Master Dojo, Or else" Avery shouted before tossing Gloria to the side and dropping a Fashion card down on the ground next to her "That can be my payment"

Avery then scoffed and walked away towards a massive building poking out of the few trees and the small hill.

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