The Max Hint

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"Now, Gloria you are ready to take the next step and give Urshifu her a Gigantamaxed form of it's own, and in order to do that you must Gove it max soup, which we have prepared for you already, but you must also find something else" Mustard said "You see, Urshifu here dislikes the natural taste of Max Soup, but if you give him something sweet and sticky alongside the max soup, you could get him to actually eat it all up and become Gigantamaxed inside"

Gloria thought for a bit about the hint and realized something, Honey is sweet and sticky, and there is an entire island shaped somewhat like a honey comb.

Gloria then brought out her Rotom phone and looked for Honeycalm Island and prepared to rode her Rotom Bike over to the island. Gloria got there after racing past a Sharpedo that attempted to chase her.

Gloria soon got there and walked around and saw hordes of Coffee that practically covered the entire island. Gloria then looked at the massive tree in the center and knocked on it before attempting to climb it, but she just fell and saw three trainers rush in after her.

Gloria then got up in time to see a Dynamaxed Vespiqueen and she tossed out her Alolan Raichu and prepared for a battle.

Gloria then watched as the other trainers sent out their Galarian Ponyta, Morgrem, and Gallade. Gloria then smirked as she shouted.

"Raichu, let's Dynamax!" Gloria shouted as she Dynamaxed her Alolan Raichu and then she shouted "Raichu use Max Mindstorm!"

One Battle later

Gloria then returned to the Dojo with a massive jar of Honey in her hands and she opened the door to see all the students and Master Mustard waiting there for her.

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