The quest for Max Mushrooms

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Victor was headed to warm-up Tunnel and was ready to be the first one to pick some Max Mushrooms, and he passed Klara who stared at him in a cold hearted way and began following him.

Victor then got down and headed inside the Tunnel and looked around, it didn't take long for him to find a cluster of Max Mushrooms and he went and collected them, but Klara jumped out from the Tunnel entrance and began shouting at Victor.

"Those are my max Mushrooms, I found them first, Fair and Square!" Klara shouted as she readied a Poké Ball.

Victor then tosses out his Corviknight who stood much larger than Klara's Slowpoke.

"Slowpoke use Acid!" Klara shouted as her Slowpoke shot an acid at Corviknight who was unaffected, and then Victor shouted.

"Corviknight use Brave Bird!" Victor shouted as his Corviknight quickly defeated Klara's Slowpoke and retreated into the Poké Ball.

Klara then sent out her Koffing, as Victor sent out his Centiskorch.

"Koffing use Assurance!" Klara shouted as her Koffing attacked Victor's Centiskorch who stood there in anger, and then it looked to Victor.

"Centiskorch use Burn up!" Victor shouted as his Centiskorch Used an extreme amount of Fire energy to attack Klara's Koffing, before losing it's Fire Typing and fainting Klara's Koffing.

"Centiskorch return! Go Sandaconda!" Victor shouted as he sent out his Sandaconda, and Klara sent out her Whirlipede.

"Whirlipede use Poison Tail!" Klara shouted as her Whirlipede's tail-like attachments became covered in poison. Klara's Whirlipede then rolled into Victor's Sandaconda and began hitting it with it's tail repeatedly until Sandaconda flung Whirlipede away.

"Sandaconda use Skull Bash!" Victor shouted as his Sandaconda bashed it's Skull against Klara's Whirlipede repeatedly until Klara's Whirlipede fainted and Victor's Sandaconda fainted as well and then Victor grabbed the Max Mushrooms and hurried back to the Dojo.

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