Gaining Gigantamax

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"Well done Gloria, now we only have one more trial and since Avery was the only other one to come close to completing the Trial he is the only one to move forward" Mustard said as he walked to his gaming console in his room and left Honey to prepare the Max Soup.

One Hour Later

When the soup was ready Everyone rushed to the table and began to prepare the table to eat and Gloria watched as they did so, the Gloria sat down once the table was ready and noticed that the Max Soup had Dyna-Clouds circling it and she watched as her bowl glowed with the intensity of a Dynamax Pokémon.

Once she took a bite she realized why it was so highly regarded, as it tasted amazing and she ate it without any problem and shared some with her Pokémon which all seemed to enjoy it.

Gloria then jumped up and looked at Mustard in anticipation for the last trial she had to complete to gain the Dojo's Armor. Mustard then cleared his throat when he realized what Gloria wanted and he got up to announce the final trial.

"The Final Trial is an All out battle between Gloria and Avery, and I expect you to hold nothing back, so that means you will battle when you feel ready" Mustard said before finishing his soup.

"I'm all ready, but if she's not, then I suppose I could wait" Avery said as he went to train until Gloria was ready.

Gloria then rushed outside and went to the Courageous Caverns to gather Max Mushrooms for her own Max Soup.

Once Gloria got there she looked around for the mushrooms and saw nothing so she moved on to the Forest of Focus and saw a strange hairy like thing sticking out of the ground and waving in the wind. Gloria went up to get it but when she touched it it left and she chased after it to see a trainer with at least one hundred Poké Balls and he smiled when he saw the mound of dirt rise and what appeared to be a diglett with hair popped out of the ground. The man then saw Gloria running to him and he brought out another Poké Ball after he returned the strange Diglett.

"thanks, I came here to train but my diglett escaped and that one, my last one was giving me trouble, I think a reward is in order, cause I found all the others in one spot, the Potbottom desert, and that little one was hiding somewhere else, it took three days of searching and then you come with it" The guy said "You can call me the Diglett Master, and I know what I'm going to give you, an Alolan Raichu, it matches my diglett they're all Alolan"

Gloria then smiled as she brought out the Raichu and then the man brought something else out of his bag and handed it to Gloria.

"A little something extra since I'm not very fond of mushrooms" the Diglett Master said as he handed Gloria the Max Mushrooms.

Gloria then rushed back to the dojo and had someone prepare her some Max Soup.

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