Victor vs. Gloria

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"When did you enroll here!?" Victor and Gloria asked in unison.

"Victor arrived shortly after you left Gloria." Mustard said as Gloria looked away from Victor "You two are also the only ones to beat me at my full power, other than Leon that is"

Victor and Gloria then looked at each other, and their eyes seemed to flare with an unseen aura.

"We can settle who's stronger now with a Pokémon Battle!" Victor and Gloria shouted before becoming even more frustrated.

Victor then sent out his Charizard as Gloria sent out her Galarian Slowpoke.

"Charizard use Dragon Claw!" Victor shouted as his Charizard flew up to Gloria's Charizard.

"Slowpoke use Zen Headbutt!" Gloria shouted as her Slowpoke then hit Victor's Charizard before it could attack and, then retreated back to not get hit.

"Charizard quick use Flare Blitz!" Victor shouted as his Charizard went crazy after becoming enveloped in flames, and it crashed into Gloria's Slowpoke sending it flying into a wall where it then fainted and returned to it's Poké Ball.

"Go Raichu!" Gloria shouted as she sent out her Alolan Raichu "Raichu use Psychic!"

Gloria then watched as her Raichu used telekinesis to throw Charizard against a wall repeatedly until it fainted.

"Charizard return, you did well" Victor said before tossing out his next Pokémon "Go Sandaconda! Now use Slam!" Victor shouted as his Sandaconda slammed itself on top of Gloria's Raichu who started floating again once Victor's Sandaconda withdrew from the attack, but it was dizzy.

"Raichu use ...!" Gloria shouted before getting cut off by Victor who ordered his Sandaconda to use Skull Bash.

Gloria then watched as both her Raichu and Victor's Sandaconda fainted simultaneously, and were then brought back to their Poké Balls.

"Go Reuniclus!" Gloria shouted as she sent out her Reuniclus.

"Go Zacian!" Victor shouted as he sent out his mighty Warrior Pokémon.

"Reuniclus use Future Sight!" Gloria shouted as her Reuniclus' eyes glowed and it then clapped before shaking it's head and being attacked by Victor's Zacian.

"Zacian use Behemoth Blade!" Victor shouted as his Zacian slashed it's sword at Gloria's Reuniclus, which caused it to rapidly faint.

"Go Hatterene!" Gloria shouted "Hatterene use Psychic!"

Gloria and Victor watched as Zacian was tossed against a wall, and the audience watched as their battle ensued and caused mass destruction to the Dojo's outer Stadium.

"Zacian escape and use Behemoth Blade!" Victor shouted as Zacian escaped and jumped at Gloria's Hatterene and slashed the sword as hard as it could, causing Hatterene to faint, but soon after a meteor shower bombarded Zacian who then met the same fate as Hatterene.

"Go Urshifu!" Gloria shouted as she sent out her Urshifu Single Strike Style.

"Go Urshifu!" Victor shouted as he sent out his Urshifu Rapid Strike Style.

"Urshifu use  Close Combat!" Victor and Gloria shouted in unison as their Urshifus, went up to each other and began dealing blow after blow. Soon the two Pokémon gave in and jumped back, and both trainers rushed to shout their command, but Gloria was too fast.

"Urshifu use Wicked Blow!" Gloria shouted as Victor watched his Urshifu get dealt an extremely powerful blow that sent it right into it's Poké Ball, and it was fainted.

"Go Eternatus! Use Eternabeam!" Victor shouted as his Eternatus went up into the clouds and roared before coming out the bottom in the shape of a massive hand and sending five beams of energy that surrounded Gloria's Urshifu.

"Urshifu use Wicked Blow! Hurry!" Gloria shouted as her Urshifu jumped up and struck Eternatus as it fired a sixth massive beam.

Both Pokémon then returned to their Poké Balls and Victor and Gloria sent out their last Pokémon, Victor sent out Inteleon, as Gloria sent out Venusaur.

"Let's show them the true meaning of a vicious tidal wave, Inteleon Gigantamax!" Victor shouted as he Gigantamaxed his Inteleon.

"Let's send up a Shower of Flowers, Venusaur Gigantamax!" Gloria said trying too Mimic Victor.

"Inteleon use G-MAX HydroSnipe!" Victor shouted as his Inteleon fired a powerful bullet made out of pure water, that cracked the ground of the Dojo Stadium.

"Venusaur use G-Max Vine Lash!" Gloria shouted as her Venusaur dealt a super effective hit on Victor's Inteleon, and Victor seemed to be getting worried for a minute before shouting.

"Inteleon use Max Airstream!" Victor shouted as his Inteleon caused a massive gust of wind that caused the stadium to take on heavy damage as boulders fell from the top.

"Venusaur, show then the true circle of nature! Use G-Max Vine Lash!" Gloria shouted as she realized she had Victor cornered and that she might win against the Galarian Region's Champion.

"Inteleon, hang in there!" Victor shouted as his Inteleon seemed to be extremely weak from the move, and the vines that stuck out from the ground and whipped Inteleon.

"Finish this, cause a massive Tidal wave that no one can deny, Use G-Max HydroSnipe!" Victor shouted as his Inteleon fired a powerful bullet made out of pure water that caused Gloria's Venusaur to faint, as it also dealt a critical hit, but then caused some boulder to collapse on Gloria's Venusaur.

Victor and Gloria then returned their Pokémon and walked towards each other.

"Good job, you had me cornered, guess you really have gotten better" Victor said with a smirk.

"You too, Vic. Glad to see you're doing well, but next time I'll win, after all, That was a pure fluke." Gloria said with an intense amount of Enthusiasm.

"Calm down you two, take these and you can train even harder" Mustard said as he handed Victor and Gloria both a Crown Tundra ticket, that shined in the light.

They smiled and thanked Mustard before racing towards the Station to head there as fast as they could.

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