Join Victor and Gloria as they each travel through the Isle of Armor to achieve their goals.
Gloria wishes to become stronger, and Victor wishes to learn the secrets of Dynamax.
Gloria entered the final room on the tower and prepared her Kubfu. Mustard food there with a Poké Ball in his hand. Mustard then smiled and looked at Gloria.
"I figured you'd choose the Tower of Darkness, also known as the fist of Evil. Now Gloria, Kubfu, give me a battle to remember" Mustard shouted as he tossed away his suit and prepared to get serious.
Mustard sent out Kubfu and Gloria did the same and they both prepared to battle.
"Kubfu use Aerial Ace!" Mustard shouted as his Kubfu hit Gloria's with a powerful hit and sent her Kubfu against the wall, Gloria's Kubfu then attempted to get back up but Mustard shouted once more "let's go, Brick Break!"
Gloria's Kubfu was then hit with a powerful chop that sent her Kubfu against the floor a second time and Kubfu seemed to be getting dizzy, but it shook it's head and prepared itself for the second hit as Mustard once again announced that his Kubfu would use Brick Break. Gloria's Kubfu was then hit by the powerful attack, and it got back up just to be hit by an Aerial Ace, and then sent against the wall and Gloria's Kubfu was then almost knocked out, but it dodged the incoming Aerial Ace by falling to the ground. Gloria then perked up when her Kubfu used Aerial Ace on Mustard's Kubfu and sent it flying back, Gloria then tossed a berry to her Kubfu and it ate it happily before seemingly getting serious as Gloria tossed away her Jacket and got serious.
"Kubfu use Counter!" Gloria shouted as her Kubfu was hit by a powerful Aerial Ace, and Gloria's Kubfu dealt an extremely powerful punch that shared the wood of the incredibly built Fist of Evil tower.
"Kubfu use Focus Energy!" Mustard shouted as his Kubfu gathered it's energy and prepared to deliver an extra powerful hit.
"Kubfu use Close Combat!" Gloria shouted, but her Kubfu was quickly countered by Mustard's Kubfu using a focused Brick Break that also caused a crack in the flooring of the Fist of Evil tower.
Mustard then sent his Kubfu to deliver another Aerial Ace but when his Kubfu nearly dealt the hit, Gloria's Kubfu used Counter and sent My state's Kubfu into the wall where it fell to the ground fainted.
"Wonderful battle Gloria" Master Mustard said as he brought back his Kubfu "Now go show Kubfu the scroll of Darkness and it shall evolve"
Gloria nodded and spoke to Kubfu.
"Go ahead Kubfu, it's your choice" Gloria said as Kubfu nodded and walked up to the Scroll of Darkness and learned the secrets of the One-Hit-K.O.
Kubfu was then enveloped in a bright light and it evolved into a Single Strike Urshifu.
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"Behold, before you stands Urshifu in it's powerful Single Strike form. Now you've grown so much my dear Kubfu, kids these days grow up so fast" Mustard said "Gloria soon it will be time for you two to take the next step, but first meet me at the Dojo"