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Taehyung woke up, feeling amazed he did that without his alarm going off for the nth time.

He opened his eyes, squinting a little and saw a mop of ravenette hair and felt a warmth against his body, making him smile. The only person he ever wakes up to like this is his jungkookie. His sweet, adorable, loving, cute jungkookie.

Taehyung giggled at his own cheesy words. He was a goner for the boy in his arms, whipped as Jimin calls him.

Jungkook stirred a little and stared up at Taehyung, with puffy cheeks, his hairs sticking out in various direction. Jungkook is simply so adorable.

“what are you laughing at?” jungkook asked with a yawn, rubbing his eyes, with his fist.

Taehyung smiled at the adorable sight, “nothing really.”

Jungkook didn't push further, still kind of sleepy he snuggled more with Taehyung and sighed in content when Taehyung rubbed his back in a soothing manner. “what time it is?”

Taehyung looked at the clock beside his bed, “8”

Jungkook made a whiny sound, “that's so early. Why are you up so early?’

Taehyung chuckled, “trust me kook, I have no idea. I'm shocked myself.” Jungkook giggled at that.

Taehyung made a move of getting up, but jungkook didn't let him, “where are you going? Don't go.”

“just to the washroom, kook, I'll be back soon.” Taehyung said to which jungkook nodded with a pout and rolled off of Taehyung and laid on his back, spreading his hands and legs, like a star fish.

Taehyung shook his head, with a smile and got up.

When he came out of washroom, jungkook was still in the starfish position. He lifted his head and looked at Taehyung, “hyung! Can we leave now?”

“for the outing?” Taehyung asked. Jungkook nodded.

“nope. We can go like around 4?”

Jungkook nodded and looked at the time, 8:30, “its still early, we can sleep more!” he said with a grin.

“no, koo, get up.”

“hyung..” jungkook whined, pulling his best puppy eyes at Taehyung.

“that won't work this time, kooks.” Taehyung said and chuckled, “Get up, you need to study. You won't be able to get up in just an hour after you sleep again, baby.”

Jungkook suddenly hid his face in the pillow and said nothing. Taehyung raised his eyebrow at that.

“come on you lazy ass, get up.” Taehyung said, walking closer to the bed and spanked jungkook's ass softly to which jungkook whined again, snuggling his face more to the pillow.

“you won't make this easier for me, will you?” Taehyung said and groaned turning jungkook on his back.

Taehyung held both of jungkook's hands and tried to bring him to a sitting position. Getting half way, “you pig” Taehyung grunted.

“I'm a pig, oink oink.” Jungkook said.

That made Taehyung laugh so hard, he stumbled, his grip loosening making Jungkook fall back to the mattress, with Taehyung on top of him.

“oh god, kook” Taehyung said between his laugh, “you need to stop quoting jin hyung, every chance you get.”

Upon getting no response from the younger, he tried to stop his laughs and only then did he realise their position. He was lying on top of jungkook, literally. Their bodies pressed together, so, so close to eachother.

Taehyung raised his head from the side of jungkook's face, supporting his weight on his hands and knees and looked at him slowly. He looked flustered, red hue on his cheeks, matching Taehyung's own. He was biting his lips, his bangs falling over his forehead and eyes.

Taehyung shifted his weight to one hand and with the other removed the hair gently from his forehead and tucked it behind his ear, caressing the tip—making Jungkook close his eyes—and kissed his forehead, softly.

Jungkook looks so fucking beautiful. Every single breathing second. He looks like a dream—a dream Taehyung wants to get lost in forever.

His eyes traveled to Jungkook's lips, lingered there for some seconds and then trailed towards the mole under his lips—all while caressing jungkook's ear. It's a habit of his, also knowing how sensitive jungkook's ears are and how he likes it when someone does this.

The urge to kiss those lips of jungkook's keeps growing everyday. He wanted to lean in and feel them against his.

He was about to lean in when Jungkook opened his eyes and looked at him. He looked so hot—under Taehyung, with half-lidded eyes and mouth slightly open. So, so hot-

“sleepy.” jungkook mumbled softly, eye droopy.

That made Taehyung chuckle. He leaned down and attached their foreheads together, “ok” he said, with a fond smile and booped jungkook's nose with his, which made jungkook scrunch his nose.

He looked so adorable and innocent, and here was Taehyung, thinking so fucked up thoughts about his bestfriend. He shook his head. He shouldn't.

Jungkook kissed his cheeks, saying a "thank you" and smiling up at him and turned towards the side, making Taehyung get up and sit at the end of the bed. He touched his cheek and smiled, getting up.

He can't help but fall for his bestfriend more.


Thanks for reading, beautiful reader!
– 아라 ♡︎

Thanks for reading, beautiful reader!– 아라 ♡︎

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