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Sleepy, jungkook rubbed his face on a surface, getting a whiff of a familiar smell he fluttered his eyes open.

Backing away his head a little, he saw Taehyung's peaceful, sleeping face. He felt the older's hand on his waist and the other under his head.

How did we even end up like this? Jungkook thought.

His eyes roamed around the other's face, a melancholic look in them. He lifted his hand a little but his eyes widened watching Taehyung's eye's flutter a little. He quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep in panic.

Taehyung opened his eyes slowly and saw Jungkook infront of him, sleeping in his arms. He ever so softly let his lips touch the younger's forehead for a feather light kiss.

And Jungkook felt his heart breaking a little at the gesture. He quickly hid his face by pressing it against Taehyung's chest. He knew he won't be able to keep a straight face when his feelings are so complicated right now.

While Taehyung, unaware of the turmoil going inside the younger's head, smiled softly. Rubbing soothing patterns with his thumb that was resting on Jungkook's waist.

They stayed like that for a few minutes and then Taehyung detached himself from the other, slowly so as to not wake him up. And got out of the bed and went to the bathroom.

Jungkook opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. He heard the bathroom door opening and blinked, diverting his gaze towards the door, making eye contact with Taehyung, who passed him a soft smile. Him doing the same and then he got up to get ready for the day.


"That's the best idea you could come up with?" Yoongi said, looking at the hill that jin thought would be fun to climb.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Jin said grinning but recived the side eye from Yoongi. He rolled his eyes. "Come on y'all it would be fun!"

After lazing around half of the day, the guys finally came out because jin wanted to 'go to a place'. So they had a light lunch and came out.

"I mean, it isn't that bad?" Hoseok said, "there's also a fireworks show today and I think it would look real pretty from up there."

"That's exactly what I thought!" Jin said grinning, bumping his fist with hoseok. "There's also this cottage type place where we can spend the night."

The other's agreed, while yoongi's was a bit reluctantly

They started climbing up the hill, talking and joking, looking at the nature surrounding them.

At the middle the path was a little uneven.

"Be careful, everyone." Jimin said.

Jungkook tripped but luckily Taehyung held him by his arm.

"Did you just curse him or what?" Jin said chuckling while Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Careful." Taehyung said softly and held his hand. Jungkook looked down at their hands and up at Taehyung and nodded softly.

Only, none of the two let go of the hand later even though the track was perfectly okay. And they pretended as if it wasn't a big deal. As if, their hearts weren't beating like crazy.

"Fucking finally!" Jimin said after they reached the top. All of them taking deep breaths and even sitting down on the grass because of tiredness.

"The sunset is so beautiful." Hoseok commented, taking out his phone to click some pictures.

The other's agreed, staring at the setting sun painting the river water in beautiful colours.

It reminded Taehyung of the weekend he and Jungkook spent on the beach where they bought the bracelets promising that their bond will be for forever but here they are, with unanswered questions between them and fighting every time they talk with eachother. He sighed softly, his heart heavy.

Taehyung felt Jungkook squeeze his hand softly.

"I miss you." a soft whisper was heard from the younger.

Taehyung turned his head to look at the other, while jungkook was staring ahead. "I miss you, hyung." He said and looked at Taehyung, the raw sadness clear in his eyes.

Taehyung tightened his hold on the younger's hand. "I miss you too." He said, his voice just as soft. "I miss spending time with you and- and just everything. I miss you a lot and-"

"Us." Jungkook added, softly.

"Yeah. Us. I miss us. So much."

"Me too. I hate being awkward around you." Jungkook said, making a face.

Taehyung chuckled, "me too." and smiled at the other, jungkook doing the same.

Meanwhile hoseok quickly ran behind Taehyung and Jungkook, being as quiet as possible so as to not interrupt, and tried to get a pic but Namjoon was in the frame so he aggressively gestured him to move away and finally took a photo of Taehyung and Jungkook holding hands and smiling at eachother with the setting sun behind them in the back.

Taehyung and Jungkook heard a click and looked back and saw hoseok running to the boy's and showing them his phone and giggling.

"What are you guys looking at?" Jungkook asked confused and both of them walked towards the group.

Hoseok showed them the pic, "you guys look so fucking cute." He said and giggled again.

Both of them blushed.

"Come on, y'all. It's time. Let's get going." Jin said and all of them nodded, walking towards the place where everyone was gathered for watching the fireworks.

"Send me this pic later." Taehyung told hoseok quietly. While hoseok nodded with a knowing smile, "was planning on doing it anyway."

The boy's watched the fireworks with delight, looking at the burst of colourful lights in the dark night sky.

Taehyung looked back at Jungkook and got lost in his eyes, because his amber eyes shined brighter than any light in Taehyung's eye's. The smile on his face more captivating than the burst of colours in the sky.

And maybe Jungkook felt the stare, so he looked back at him too. Taehyung blinked, while Jungkook gave him a smile, soft and bright. Made Taehyung smile again, his heart feeling happier than it has in a while.


last chapter of this year x) happy new year y'all be healthy n happy n enjoy the last night of 2023 w/ ur loved ones<33

Thanks for reading, beautiful reader!
- 아라 ♡︎

Thanks for reading, beautiful reader!- 아라 ♡︎

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