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It's been a few weeks since Jungkook introduced Yugyeom to the boy's. Those two were always together, as if they were joined at the hips.

Whether it's in the class, during break or their after school hang out. Those two were always together.

Before it was only the 7 of them, but now it's always 8 of them.

Even now, as they are having lunch, Yugyeom is here.

Taehyung thought of ignoring those thoughts and focused on his lunch.

He looked up and saw Jungkook enjoying the chicken while laughing at the joke Jimin just cracked.

There was a little bit of sauce on the side of Jungkook's mouth. Taehyung chuckled softly. His Jungkook has always been a messy eater.

He reached out and rubbed the corner of his mouth with his thumb. In return, Jungkook just smiled at him sheepishly.

"Messy again?"

"As always."

And both of them giggled at that.

"Guy's, how about we go bowling tomorrow? It's weekend." Hoseok said.

"Cool. After that we need to prepare for the exams too." Namjoon said.

"Right. We can enjoy this weekend and then start studying after that." Hoseok replied to which Namjoon nodded.

"Well, I'm in." Jimin said. And the rest agreed with him too.

"I texted Jin hyung, he said he's in too." Yoongi said.

"Okay, it's confirmed then. Let's meet at 4 pm tomorrow.''

"Tae.." They heard a feminine voice and looked up.

It was Eun-ji. She was one of those people, who everyone loved. Kind, funny, pretty, topper of her class. Always respectful.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." She said shyly, tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

By now, everyone in the canteen were looking at them.

"Yeah? What's it, eun?" Taehyung asked her, with a smile. Missing the look Jungkook gave him at the nickname.

Eun-ji's cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink, a shy smile on her face and god did she look pretty. "Can I have your number?" She asked, handing over her phone," "y'know, for the project.." she mumbled shyly.

"Oh! Sure. Sorry, I forgot to give it to you in class." Taehyung said and took the phone from her, typing in his number.

"Here. Send me a text later so I can save yours." He said with a smile, handing over her phone.

Eun-ji nodded and bowed slightly at the others and gave Taehyung one last smile before walking away to her table, where her friends were giggling at her.

"Since when did you two know eachother?" Jimin asked, confused.

"Today. We spent the entire science class together, discussing the project we both need to do together."

And all of them got engaged in another conversation, while a certain ravenette head was mercilessly poking his food.


"Bye guys!"

"See you tomorrow."

The boy's said before going on their way to their house after school.

"Let's go." Taehyung told jungkook and waved at Yugyeom before he started walking.

"I'm going with Yugyeom."

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