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The next morning, Taehyung got up with determination. He's going to talk about yesterday with jungkook, clear this air of awkwardness and just confess in this process.

Yes. He's going to do it today.

So he got ready and quickly had his breakfast. He saw the wall clock while putting on his shoes and nodded. Exactly the time when Jungkook gets ready for school.

After bidding his mom bye, he got out with a determined smile, which was wipped off his face within a few seconds.

There was Jungkook hugging Yugyeom infront of his house.

He paused.

Taehyung saw them break the hug and Yugyeom held Jungkook's cheeks with both hands and said something which made jungkook laugh. Yugyeom chuckled and ruffled Jungkook's hair.

All of Taehyung's determination went straight out of the window at the sight.

He quickly went to the opposite direction and took his cycle to school. Speeding up to not have to interact with those two.

Taehyung got to know Jungkook won't be coming for bowling today, as they all planned, so Taehyung told them he won't be going to. The other's were confused and told them both to come along a lot but they refused. So, the other's went ahead without them, not before cursing them for cancelling last minute.

Almost two weeks passed by without them talking to eachother and that was a first.

Ever since Jungkook was born, they had never spent so much time apart from eachother-not even a few hours and this time it was two whole weeks.

They both just glanced at eachother in the hallways of the school, when the other wasn't noticing. Using exams as an excuse to not meet with eachother. Both their families and friends were worried about them.

Drowning themselves in books to get rid of the thoughts of the others. But were they successful? Yeah. To an extent.

But in the silence of the night, when they lay in their bed all alone, without the other there to hold him in his arms, it hurt.

Waking up in the morning knowing the other wouldn't be there waiting for him to walk to school, hurt.

Not getting to see that smile hurt. Not getting to hear that voice hurt. Not getting to share the tiny little details of the day hurt.

Everything hurt. And it hurt so fucking much, they couldn't explain it in words.


Taehyung was in his room, just returned from school.

He opened his window and stared at Jungkook's closed window for a few seconds. He sighed and was about to turn around when he saw Jungkook's bag at the foot of the tree.

"Is he in there at this time?" Taehyung thought. "Did he fall asleep again?"

Jungkook had a weird habit of falling asleep in the tree house at the most random times.

He walked out of the house and went to the tree house, climbing up the ladder and saw Jungkook sitting at the corner, all curled up to himself.


Jungkook looked up, wide eyed. But what made Taehyung shocked was his red eyes and tear strained cheeks.

"Koo, what's wrong?" Taehyung asked, crawling up towards him. His voice soft and filled with worry.

Jungkook quickly wiped his cheeks and crawled past Taehyung wanting to climb down but Taehyung held his wrist.


"Jungkook." He said turning his head. His eyes glaring at Taehyung. "My name's Jungkook. I'm not a baby anymore, so you can stop calling me that."

Taehyung felt a heaviness in his chest at the words. He cast his eyes down, letting Jungkook's wrist go.

Jungkook scoffed, his eyes tearing up again and climbed down and ran to his house.

On the other hand Taehyung was still in the same position. He never thought Jungkook will ever say something like this to him. Asking him to not call him by the name he's been using for almost fourteen years?

"how could you say that.." Taehyung whispered. He wiped his cheeks but that was of no use as more tears followed right away. "We talked after almost two weeks and that's- that's the first thing you had to say to me?"

When the three and half year old Taehyung first saw him(second time actually but he doesn't really remember that one), he had declared infront of their parents that the small one and half year old baby in his aunt's arms will always be his baby, who giggled watching the smile on the older boys face.

He called him baby then and the habit stuck to him, even now when it's been  so many year's and never once did he think he would need to stop because jungkook out of all people told him to.

He got down and went back to his house. He was about to pass by the kitchen but then stopped and stared at the fridge.

He went towards it and opened it, taking out a box and went to Jungkook's house. He took a deep breath, hesitating, but then ringed the bell.

Jungkook's mom opened the door, smiling when she saw Taehyung.

"Tae? Come in."

"No, aunt. Thank you. Can you give this to Jungkook, please?" He asked, handing the box over.

"What's it?" Haneul asked, taking the box.

"Chocolate tart." Taehyung said and smiled sadly.

"Why don't you give it yourself?" Haneul asked softly.

Taehyung shook his head with a smile. '' I've to study. It's getting late. Thank you." He said that and bowed, walking back to his house.

I hope that makes him smile a little and makes him forget the reason why he was crying so much.

Taehyung thought not knowing how his thoughtful action only made Jungkook cry harder, all alone in his room.

"Why are you doing this to me, hyung? Why.." jungkook whispered in his dark room, staring at the chocolate tart, remembering what he saw in school today.

Those words echoing in his ears, making him cry harder.

"I love you too."


Thanks for reading, beautiful reader!
- 아라 ♡︎

Thanks for reading, beautiful reader!- 아라 ♡︎

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