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Happy Lowman grew up in Bakersfield CA, his mother was a kind and hardworking woman who loved her children, and his father was an abusive drunk who was violent and cruel. It was hard growing up in a home where you would watch your father hurt your mother, on a daily basis, That is why David (Happy) Lowman started prospecting for the local MC The sons of Anarchy at the tender age of sixteen and got his full patch at 18 years old. Pedro Lowman knew his son would one day stand up to him, David was always the one that would try and fight him even as a toddler he would kick and scream at his father for hurting his mom. But when Lowman's baby daughter was born, Pedro Lowman's little boy became a man because that was when David first tried to fight his father.

Bakersfield 1980

Maria Lowman had given birth six weeks ago to a beautiful baby girl, being a white woman married to a Mexican man, she expected that one of her children would be lighter like her, but she was wrong all three of her children were dark like their father. Maria was shocked to find out she was having a baby, her boys were little men, and the age gap and her home situation worried her. She had just put the baby in her Bassette in the living room and had made her way to the back kitchen to make dinner when she heard the telltale sound of her husband coming into the house, she knew with it being Saturday he would be drunk as he had been in a foul mood for the past three months after their oldest son sixteen-year-old Dominic had moved out of the family home and started prospecting for the local MC, Maria glanced over to her middle son 12-year-old David who was reading a comic at the kitchen table.

"David go to your room sweetheart until dinner is ready, I don't want you under your father's feet baby" David sighed but did as his mother had asked.

He passed his father in the hallway as he made his way to his room his father just grunted at the boy and made his way to the kitchen. "I can't smell any dinner cooking!" he slurred at his wife. Maria carried on getting the ingredients from the fridge to prepare dinner." I am sorry Darling, it took me a while to settle the baby." Pedro huffed at the mention of the baby" that dame thing takes up to much of your time woman, it's not too late to get rid" Maria spun around with shock on her face "Don't say that!" she knew as the words left her lips she had made a mistake before she could think, a fist crashed into her face and her body hit the lino floor, she knew this dance she had done it plenty, she stiffened her body and tucked her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her head as the blows rained down, suddenly he stops and as she looks up there is David, her little David fist clenched and rage on his little face as he hits his father.

Pedro stands and laughs at his son's attempts to help his mother, and with one punch to Davids's face the boy joins his mother on the floor, their eyes connect as a small trickle of blood runs out of David's nose.

Maria doesn't know what happened next, she doesn't remember getting up off the floor. she doesn't remember grabbing the knife from the counter. she doesn't remember plunging the blade into her husband's chest.

12-year-old David remembers running out of the house, he remembers running to the call box at the seven-eleven at the end of their street and calling the number his brother made him memorize before he left..."Hello Teller-morrow auto, How can I help you today?"

I...I need my brother...Dominic!

"Alright sweetheart hold the line baby don't go anywhere"

Gemma Teller looks at her six-week-old son sleeping in the bassinette next to her office desk before she rushes to the door and shouts the prospect across the lot, Dominic Lowman, or Ink as the MC now calls him because he can tattoo like the shit for a kid. Dominic runs over to Gemma the president's wife "Hey Gemma, you need me" he asks eagerly to please and earn her respect.

BLACKBIRD IN THE SKY  (Jax Teller)♡♡♡Where stories live. Discover now