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Jax Arrives at his house late, after visiting Wendy and telling her to get help, She told him to get rid of the crank she hid in the house

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Jax Arrives at his house late, after visiting Wendy and telling her to get help, She told him to get rid of the crank she hid in the house. Walking in the door he sees his Mom cleaning. 

"It's almost midnight," he says as he notices Raven curled up asleep on the green chair in his living room. "What's she doing here." he makes his way over to the sleeping girl and gently pushes some hair from her face.

"It's her house. place in a goddam pigsty, she cried when she saw the state of this shit." his mother says as she frantically picks up rubbish pushing it into a garbage bag.

"Yeah, Raven was always a little OCD about this house. But cleaning was never Wendy's strong suit." 

"What are you doing here?" Gemma asks wondering why Jax was here and not at the Hospital.

"It's my house!" Jax quips.

"You know what I mean! I needed to clean this place I didn't want you to see it this way."

Jax Nods at her as he stares at Raven sleeping in the chair, she looks thinner than he remembers but muscular,  Jax notices that she is still beautiful. 

"So why is she here?" Jax asks as he tips his head in Raven's direction.

Gemma's brows crease as she stops picking up the trash and turns to face her son.

"I needed her with me, she found Wendy Jax!... Bleeding on the goddam floor! I had to keep an eye on her, so I told her to come over and help me."

Jax sighs, he knows what his mother is doing, but something tells him Raven doesn't need to be looked after by Gemma like she did when she was little.

"Mom, you don't have to do that...she ain't the same girl who left." Jax walks back over to Raven and looks down at her, he knows he doesn't know a dame thing about her after seven years. "She's Different somehow."

Gemma watches her son as he stares at his estranged wife sleeping in a chair.

"Well, I guess being on the road will do that to you, I think this is the deepest sleep she has gotten in a long time." She utters as she moves around the small living room cleaning.

Jax leans on the arm of the couch as he watches his mother work. "! he insists.

"I just wanna get it livable...get you outta that dorm and back home with your son. 

Jax has had enough, he jumps up and straightens his body, fear and frustration rolling off him. "Mom for christ's sake stop cleaning!" 

Gemma stops and looks at Jax shocked at his outburst.

"He's not gonna make it!" he yells.

"What are you talking about...did something happen?" she asks as she stands in front of her son, worry echoing off her.

BLACKBIRD IN THE SKY  (Jax Teller)♡♡♡Where stories live. Discover now