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Raven returns from the run to Lodi with Happy frustrated. Clay sent them there on a  bullshit errand and after being on the road for years, Raven was used to things being a bit more fast-paced. Walking into the clubhouse Raven drops onto a barstool and asks the croweater, Cleo behind the bar for a Jack and coke, when the chapel doors open and the guys file out, she looks over her shoulder to see Clay coming out in front and Jax and chibs behind him, she turns back to her drink and Thanks Cleo, bringing the cool drink up to her lips when she hears Clay's booming voice.

"Put that shit down Ray, you're with Jax, I want your head in the game," he says pointing the finger at her as he lights his cigar.

"Why? Where am I going?" she asks brows creased in confusion, she wasn't even in Chapel to know what business they have.

"Just get gone little bird, you're old man will fill you in on the way." Raven rolls her eyes, clay of all people should know Jax is not her old man. Jumping off the barstool she falls into step with Jax, Chibs, juice, and half sack as they make their way to an SUV. Stopping Jax turns and gives his orders.

"Juice, you go get Derbys Saden. Chibs, Ray and prospect you with me." Chibs nods and claim into the front of the truck as half-sack holds the back door open for her, Raven shrugs and claims in. Putting her head between the front seats and leaning forward to talk to Jax as he drives out of the lot.

" So ya gonna tell me where we're going VP." Jax lets out a huff, he doesn't like these new pet names she has started calling him by, it used to be babe and love, but now it's brother and VP.

"We're going to see a man about a couple of dead bodies." After filling her in on the plan to fake a crime scene, Raven is impressed with Jax's plan.

"uh, brains before bullets," she mutters as she sits back in her seat. Jax smiles as he hears her comment.

Arriving at skeeters, Jax smirks at Ray knowing that skeeter has always freaked her out, she flips him the bird for his efforts and fellows them into the burner room, a small room that is dimly lit and houses a big Furness

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Arriving at skeeters, Jax smirks at Ray knowing that skeeter has always freaked her out, she flips him the bird for his efforts and fellows them into the burner room, a small room that is dimly lit and houses a big Furness. skeeter is working away when he looks up to notice the arrival of the sons. 

"Hey, guys. what's going on? " sketter asks nervously as he walks up to the sons. 

"We need a favor, Skeeter," Jax says matter of factly. Raven stands beside him, she is a little freaked out around Skeeter and Jax always makes her feel protected.

"Christ, man. Nows is not a good time. I got a new supervisor crawling up my arse. He tells Jax as he gives half-sack a swift slap across the head for messing with the equipment.

"come on. relax. not here to make a deposit. Jax smiles.

"Actually it's a withdrawal". Raven says.

"We need two bodies, fresh."

"Are you serious for what?" skeeter asks as his eyes look Raven up and down. Jax feels her hand holding the bottom of his kutte.

"Well, I would tell you but then I would have to stuff you in the furnace," Jax says with a tight smile.

BLACKBIRD IN THE SKY  (Jax Teller)♡♡♡Where stories live. Discover now