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Raven had never taken a break from her club duties before, except when she was pregnant with Indy, and even then she worked at the TM office every day. Even though she took off her kutte, she still attended church meetings and stayed updated on club business. However, after enjoying over two weeks of riding without any distractions, Raven realized she couldn't imagine her life without the club or her kutte. She wasn't quite ready to become a Nomad again, so she planned to avoid any contact for a few more weeks before catching up with Ink. Raven decided to head back towards Nevada and visit the Devil Tribe clubhouse, which had been a safe haven for SAMCRO members since her childhood. Although they weren't Sons, the Devil Tribe president was close friends with John Teller, and Raven trusted them.

Pulling up outside the tribe's clubhouse, Raven parks her Harley beside the club bikes and dismounts, looking around she lifts the visor of her full helmet and spots Jury standing on the Varander of the clubhouse eyeing her with suspicion, two of ...

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Pulling up outside the tribe's clubhouse, Raven parks her Harley beside the club bikes and dismounts, looking around she lifts the visor of her full helmet and spots Jury standing on the Varander of the clubhouse eyeing her with suspicion, two of his men standing beside him Their hands resting on their weapons. Realizing that she wasn't wearing a kutte, she quickly pulls her helmet off and smiles broadly at the older man.

"Well if it isn't the princess of SAMCRO you come to visit your old uncle jury?" he bellowed as he brought her in for a hug. "Dame girl what's with lack of color I nearly ordered them to shoot you." He said with a deep laugh as he gestured to the two members standing on the Varander.

"Oh you know still on my walk about and the helmet hides the fact I'm a girl riding alone and I can't ride around here with Reaper on my back not with the Mayans on the prowl ."

"Makes sense sweetheart. Now let's get you cleaned up and fed," he said as he stirred her towards the clubhouse.

Walking inside Raven was relieved to be here as much as she needed some alone time, they were nothing like laying your head down somewhere safe and with people around you that had your back. and she was dog tired all she wanted was a beer, a burger, and a bed. And in that order and she knew that she could get all three right here. Jury sat her down at the bar and called to Cherry to get her whatever she wanted.

"What can I get you, sweetheart?" Cherry a petite redhead asked her, Raven was too tired to pop the girl's tits for calling her sweetheart, which non of the croweaters or hang arounds would dare say usually after all she wasn't wearing her kutte.

"Beer and a burger with all the fixings sweetheart," she replied with a smile.

Cherry poured the pitcher of cold beer and put it on the bar before walking off and asking the kitchen for the burger. Returning soon after with the meal Cherry sat it down and smiled wide at Raven. "Can I get you anything else?"

"Yep, just keep them beers coming."

As Raven shoved the burger in her mouth and took a huge bite, Cherry didn't move and stood watching her eat. Swallowing her mouth full, Raven took a slurp of her beer and carried on eating as the girl watched her. After a few moments, Raven got pissed off and raised her eyebrows. "something I can help you with."

BLACKBIRD IN THE SKY  (Jax Teller)♡♡♡Where stories live. Discover now