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Raven pulled her bike into Jax's driveway, She looked at her rusting charger under the carport and made a mental note to arrange for Happy to move it to his place. She opened the front door using her set of keys and shoved them back into her kutte pocket, she wasn't ready to leave them behide yet. She sighed as she kicked her shoes off and hung her kutte and gun holster up at the hooks near the door, She didn't see the point in rushing out of town now not after a call from Opie telling her Clay wanted all the number ones and two's to be in charming by the next night. After getting a text from Ink telling her he would meet her at the clubhouse early the following day, she figured she would just hang around in Jax's house for the night. It was still her house after all and Jax stayed at the clubhouse, so the thought of a night in a safe place having a hot bath with a beer and smoking a blunt, was totally floating her boat right now. 

She moved down the hall to the bathroom A scent wrinkled her nose, stopping at the nursery She leaned up against the door frame as she stared into the clean room a smile creeping on her lips and that's when the smell hit her again, sweat and dry blood. She dipped in the front pocket of her jeans and pulled her cell phone out, She dialed Jax's number, and her heart began to speed up as it went to voice mail, She sent a quick text as she heard the creak of the floorboards behind her and felt the cold steel of a barrel of a gun on her head. She turned around slowly with her arms in the air and faced Kohn. Her eyes flickered to her holster hanging down the hall.

"No, No...You won't make it that far before I put a bullet in your head." Kohn smirked.

Raven smiled as she reached for the ka-bar hanging off her jeans, Kohn slammed her in the head with the butt of his gun.

Raven blinked, her mouth felt like cotton, Her head dizzy from the blow. She looked around the room, She was lying on Jax's bed, and her clothes had been removed leaving her in her underwear. She tried to sit up when two arms pushed her back down and held her there.

"Get the fuck off me!" she groaned. She kicked a leg out to knock him away and opened her mouth to scream. 

"No screaming! you understand." Kohn covered her mouth with his hand and pointed the gun into her chest. Raven nodded, She had sent a text to Jax all she had to do was bide her time until he got there. Kohn removed his hand slowly. "I just want to talk to you."

"A'ight, can I sit up please?" She tried to smile. "Yes of course." Kohn lifted her against the headboard and sat beside her, he placed the gun on the nightstand. "I'm not a bad person, Just sometimes love, and passion inspires a man's baser instincts, he has to do things he isn't proud of." Raven frowned. "What like being a staking prick!" She barked. Kohn shook his head as he ran a hand down her bare arm, Raven's eyes followed his hand as the hairs on the back of her neck prickled. "I'm not a psycho, but I'm sorry this has to be done." 

Raven glanced at the red neon numbers on the alarm clock sitting on the side table, 3:30 AM. She swallowed the lump in her throat, she'd been unconscious for 2 hours, If Jax was coming he would have been here well before now. "Have to do what?" She asked. Kohn leaned forward and picked his gun up. 

"I went to Tara's before coming here, I was going to talk to her, but Teller showed up, so I just watched as things got intimate." Raven felt the vile rise in her throat, her stomach went cold. Kohn let out a strangled laugh. 

"He hasn't seen your text you stupid bitch, He's busy fucking my girl! You know they can't be together, right? You know that is all wrong...don't you? Ta Ta is mine, without Teller in the way Tara and I will work it out and build the foundations that our relationship needs."

"How are you going to get Jax out of the way...Maybe I can help it's not like I want them to be together." Kohn suddenly backhanded her across the face, making Raven's head spin.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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