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As Jax opened his eyes, his gaze immediately fell on the bedside table to his right where the clock read 5am. Since Raven's return, the discovery of his father's manuscript, and the birth of Abel, he had been unable to get a good night's sleep. He tossed aside the blanket and got out of bed, picking up a pair of grey sweatpants from the dirty laundry pile in the corner and giving them a quick sniff before deciding they were clean enough. Stepping into them and pulling them over his hips, he walks out of his dorm room and past his father's bike, giving the memorial a pat with his ringed hand as he passes he makes his way to the kitchen for some much-needed coffee. Opening the door he is surprised to see Raven with her back to him by the sink, Jax lets his eyes roam over her as she is only wearing a t.shirt, one he is sure must be a guy's as it falls past her knees. His brow furrows as she turns and he can see she has been crying, but she is doing her best to hide it.

"" she offers Jax her cup. Jax takes the cup and brings it to his lips taking a slurp of the inky liquid he sighs with satisfaction just as he likes it, black and full of sugar.

" Are you crying? he asks softly.

"Nah, I'm, just tired. I shouldn't be awake at the arse crack of dawn." she smiles.

lair "So why are you up?"

"Pull out in Happy's dorm is uncomfortable as fuck and he snores like a pig." 

"You could have stayed in ou- my dorm, I would have taken the pullout." Raven's eyes glance from the floor to Jax as his slip-up isn't missed by either of them.

"It's alright, got to be up anyway hitting the road at 9:00 Sharpe."

Jax teeth clench and his Jaw ticks a sure sign of his anger he slams the coffee cup down on the counter. 

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Clay wants us in Tacoma tonight. Ink said, some shit with the Irish. Mayan's seems sorted so no need for us to hang around here."

"Jesus Christ," Jax growls as he shakes his head and glares at her, Raven's lower lip starts to tremble. Jax takes two steps forward and his hands grip her biceps he pulls her into his chest.

"I'm sorry," she whispers.

"Babe Don't be sorry." Ray looks up at him as their eyes connect, She Raises on her tiptoes and presses a kiss to his lips, his breath hitches, and his body vibrates as his mouth covers hers and he slips his tongue over her lips, pulling her closer by her waist his arms wrap around her as he lifts her on to the sink, their lips moving quickly and with greed, as they try to absorb the feeling of each other touch for the first time in seven years. Jax presses a knee between her thighs and presses his hips against hers and she melts into him, Both are seconds away from coming apart, You can't stay. Stop.  A  hand suddenly plants on Jax's chest as Raven pushes him away.

"Stop." she says in a whisper "Please."

Jax locks eyes with hers he doesn't hide his surprise, he stands rooted to the spot, as Raven ducks under his arm and jumps down to put some distance between them. 

"Raven." He utters as he pulls her back around to face him. 

"I've gotta go."

"What the hell do you want Raven?"

"I don't want to be here!" Jax flinched at her words. His Jaw clenched, then he saw it in her eyes  Fear. Frustration. Turmoil.  He decided not to listen to her words and takes a step toward her but she steps back. 

"Stop, Just let me get the fuck out of here...just let me go!" she growls. 

Jax doesn't listen he closes the distance between them. He rises his hand to touch her, Raven flinches away. "Don't" she says harshly. Jax's hand lands in hers.

BLACKBIRD IN THE SKY  (Jax Teller)♡♡♡Where stories live. Discover now