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Raven walked through the Teller-Morrow garage with her mothball TM shirt tied around her waist and a dirty wifebeater on, She wrinkled her nose at Jax who was working on a Harley Dyna next to the Harley Softail she had been assigned to work on for the day. It had been a week since they caught Tristens rapiest and Jax had been doing his best to put some distance between them, she knew this was because he had realized that they had become different people now, but she was not convinced his ability to only speak to her about auto work or club shit was because she was fully ingrained into being a Nomad or because him and Clay where not seeing eye to eye lately. Raven wished she could make Jax understand that she was only keeping Clay happy and her mouth shut, so she could stay in Charming. The past week had been quiet on the club front and Clay hadn't ordered her off the lot, In fact, he just kept giving jobs in the garage. Standing at her old black roller cabinet, she digs through the drawer looking for her wrench but came empty-handed, Raven slams the drawer shut and opens and closes the drawers below letting out a frustrated glare at Jax as he has quite clearly taken over her roller when she spots his spare packs of cigarettes, couple of blunts and his Glock. She moves around the shop slamming things around, everything in this stupid building was familiar but nothing was where she remembered it was supposed to be. She heard a shuffle behind her.

 "Here," Jax said as he handed over her wrench. "You were using it this whole time? Don't you have your own tool roller?"  She bites.

"Yeah, but that one was just abandoned here, so figured it was fair game." He shrugs before carrying on with the Dyna. Raven's jaw clenched she was sick of Jax and his distance, she opened her mouth to ball him out for his unfair behavior, She hears a click and her eyes moved to the door to the office and connected with Clays as he walks to Jax and starts looking at the dyna he is working on. She doesn't want to cause a scene in front of Clay so Raven leans back on the black charger in the bay next to her and watches as the president and the VP went back and forth bout the solution to the Harley Dyna's problems.

 She doesn't want to cause a scene in front of Clay so Raven leans back on the black charger in the bay next to her and watches as the president and the VP went back and forth bout the solution to the Harley Dyna's problems

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"Ah, gotta bring it though here, afraid the amped-up carb's gonna throw too much heat on the line." Jax Huffs as he tries to move the part in a new direction. Clay nods in understanding.

"It might, but that new Graytex cable can take a shitload of heat. Maybe use that." Raven butts in. Jax looks up from his work and grunts "Yeah, Whatever, Ray." 

"She's right. It can take some heat." Clay agrees. Raven's lips curl up in a smirk as she looks over at Jax from her slouched position on the charger. She had always been a better mechanic than Jax, at 16 the girl had to prove she was just as good as any other Son, so young Raven always had her head under a car bonnet, her hands and face full of grease. Jax loved it when she would talk shop with other charters and knock their socks off with her knowledge. Although looking at the pissed-off look on his pretty boy features now, she doubted her mechanical skills were as impressive now. Lifting off the Charger she moves to the Graytex cable on the workbench and passes it to Jax.

BLACKBIRD IN THE SKY  (Jax Teller)♡♡♡Where stories live. Discover now