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Present day

"You thinking about them Raven?"

Raven looks up from the drink she has been nursing at the bar she locks eyes with her brother Ink who is looking at her with concern.

"Na Pres, just wondering whose clubhouse this is" she waves her hand at her surroundings. "what town are we in again?" she asks with a grin on her face.

Raven has been riding Nomad alongside her brother for seven years making VP two years into joining the Nomads.  

"SAMTAZ, Shithead!" Ink replies as he throws the cap from his bottle of beer toward her head. Raven catches it and throws it back at her brother. Ink is the president of the Nomad charter he set the nomad charter up after his close friend and mentor John Teller was killed in an auto accident 11 years ago. Unable to be in SAMCRO without JT, Ink decided to hit the road, and before he knew what happened the Nomads were born. All the members who couldn't settle in one place or were waiting for a spot in a certain charter would ride nomad and attend church at different charters once a week, this week it's the SAMTAZ clubhouse the nomads find themselves in.  

Ink Lowman sits next to his sister and lights his cancer stick, he pulls out his burner phone and dials a number, putting the phone to his ear he grins at Raven. "Time to check in on our brother sis." Happy Lowman picks up after the second ring.

"Hey, baby brother how's it going in Charming?"

"a'right, are you two whole?"

"We're good Killa, I will be seeing you in charming tomorrow, but Raven has other business to deal with at SAMNAV so she won't be there, she'll catch up with you soon tho yeah"

"That little girl has always got an accuse not to go back to charming, I'm here now for church, I will stay a few days and ride on with you lot" Happy answers. Happy has also been a Nomad since leaving Tacoma after the shit that went down in Charming with Raven he had to move charters for his own sanity but he missed Charming and has now been riding Nomad for two years, waiting for a spot in charming. The brothers say their goodbyes and Ink looks around the clubhouse, his SSA Quinn is getting a blowjob in the far corner, while Mortez is balls deep in a redhead, Ink chuckles to himself at the antic of his brothers before looking back at his Sister and VP, who is also scanning the room, ink watches as she wrinkles her nose at the sight and gets up from her stool." Way too much brotherly love going on here, I'm going to head to bed...which dorm I'm I in?" Raven asks.

"Number 3, you head to SAMNAV early get some sleep, Raven." Ink replies. Raven kisses her brother on his cheek before making her way to the dorm, she opens the door and glances around, she hates SAMTAZ Clubhouse the bar and the dorm rooms are set up almost the same as SAMCRO and that just reminds Raven of the past, the past she doesn't want to forget, but also doesn't want to remember, because when the times were good they were perfect but when they were bad, they were bad enough to break a girl and make her ride the open road as a nomad.

 Raven kisses her brother on his cheek before making her way to the dorm, she opens the door and glances around, she hates SAMTAZ Clubhouse the bar and the dorm rooms are set up almost the same as SAMCRO and that just reminds Raven of the past, th...

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