Chapter 19

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"I told you that you'd love it." I smugly say while trying to hide my smirk behind my coffee mug.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Lisa says, pointing her spoon at me from across the small table in the bus. "No one said anything about love. I don't think I can call it love yet, we've just started. I do really like it though." She smiles, shovelling another spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

"Well, either way, you're totally going to fall in love with it. It's just a matter of time." I smile confidently, referring to us watching Friends. For the past couple of nights, we've been watching a few episodes after shows in the back lounge of the bus before bed.

"Someone's very confident. Maybe too confident." she jokes, playfully knocking her knee against mine under the small table.

"If you already like it and we're not even into season two yet, you've got another thing coming buddy." I give her an expressive look. She smiles and lightly shakes her head. "You know." she says after a few moments of silence. "My previous assistant reminds me a lot of Estelle."

"What?" I laugh, picturing the older, scratchy voiced, scrunched up face, heavy makeup wearing, and cigarette smoking lady that's a casting agent for Joey.

"Yeah." she simply shrugs. "Except she was a bit bigger though. She was built more like a line-backer and wore a little less makeup."

"Oh my God." I laugh while throwing my head back, picturing this lady that I've never met before in my head. "Are you serious?"

"Dead serious." she smirks. I just sit there amused, shaking my head.

"Alright, I'm up." Jessi sleepily grumbles while flopping down on the couch, fully dressed and ready to go just like I asked. "Now what's your big surprise." she asks, less than thrilled.

"I'm glad you're so ecstatic about my surprise for today." I sweetly say, voice dripping in sarcasm. I know that Jessi's not a morning person but I asked for her and Lisa to be ready by noon today for my surprise. Today is an off day on tour, meaning there's no show, interviews, or even meetings. Well, Hyun-suk will be in meetings and conference calls all day, but that's about it. I took it upon myself to book something fun for us to do when the bus drops us off at the hotel. I've got cabin fever from being trapped in this bus, hotels, and arenas almost twenty-four-seven, so I thought it would be nice to get out and see the world for once.

"I booked us a car to drive around and see the rock formations and everything." I excitedly announce. "I thought it would be nice to get out for once and get some fresh air, and what better place than Utah!" After the show last night, we hopped on the bus and drove straight to Utah for our off day. The next show is here tomorrow.

"Nice!" Lisa smiles, hopefully as excited as I am.

"Ok, I guess I can manage that." Jessi sits up and the bus seems to be coming to a stop at our hotel.

"Let's go!" I yell, scrambling to get out of the bus to go find the car. At the front of the hotel, I can see the car I ordered parked out front and a man wearing a shirt with the car rental logo printed on the front.

"Miss Kim?" he asks as I approach him.

"That's me!" I smile and he hands me some paperwork to fill out before handing over the keys.

"Ready guys?" I excitedly ask while looking over my shoulder at Lisa and Jessi, playfully jingling the keys to show them that everything is finalised.

"I call shot gun!" Jessi yells, running to get to the passenger seat.

"No!" Lisa whines while running after her to try to get to the seat first. They both get to the door at the same time and try to shove each other out of the way.

"I get the front seat!" Jessi demands. "There is no way I'm awkwardly sitting in the back with your bodyguard!"

"I don't want to sit back there with him either!" Lisa hisses when she sees Don coming out of the bus to join us, out of earshot still.

One of the conditions to be able to do this trip is to have Don come along for Lisa's safety. Even after a huge protest, Lisa lost to Hyun-suk in that battle. We're lucky that Hyun-suk is even letting us.... well, Lisa... go in the first place, because that subject was a massive battle on its own.

To say that Lisa was unhappy about the whole thing would be an understatement. I get it, though. I would hate to have to ask for permission to do any little thing and practically have a babysitter twenty-four-seven. But at least we were able to convince, more like annoy, Hyun-suk enough for him to say yes to us going on this trip.

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