Chapter 46

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Where is it? I think, with my eyes darting around the room. For the past fifteen minutes I've been looking for my phone charger. I'm expecting a call from my mother any minute and my phone is completely dead. Today, we're in Ohio and my mother insisted on seeing me, but in reality, I know that she only wants to visit me so Katrina, her new fourteen year old step daughter, can see Lisa. She's a big fan of Lisa's, and I know she made my mother call me so she can meet Lisa.

Being the people pleaser I am, I agreed to let them come to the show tonight and meet Lisa, with her permission of course. As much as I don't want that snobby brat to get her way, I want to show my mother that I'm successful without following in her footsteps and I'm happy with the job I have. I feel like I have to impress her, and hopefully she'll finally see that what I'm doing is a real job and I can make a living doing what I love.

Ready to pull my hair out, I try the one place I haven't looked yet, Lisa's suitcase. Maybe I accidentally packed up my charger with all of hers. Unzipping the front pocket of her suitcase where I keep all of her chargers, I pull them out one by one, not finding mine. With a huff, I stubbornly reach back in the pocket, hoping somehow my charger will magically appear. While I don't find my charger, I feel a small piece of metal tucked away in the corner.

Grabbing the small object, I pull it out to see that it's the blue paper clip she stole from me the night we snuck out for ice cream, the one I threw at her window.

Why does she still have this? Is she keeping it or did she just so happen to accidentally throw it in here?

My heart warms at the thought of her intentionally keeping something so insignificant, and I realise I miss her. Even though we're not far apart, I miss hanging out with her all the time. But I know if I were to keep getting attached, I'd only end up getting hurt more.

"Jennie." Lisa's voice calls from down the hall, footsteps getting closer. I quickly throw the paperclip and chargers back in her suitcase, standing up when she enters the room. "Missing something?" she smiles, with my charger dangling from her fingers.

"You're a life saver!" I exclaim, taking the charger and running to the nearest outlet to plug my phone in.

"Where did you find it?"

"It was laying on the floor near the back entrance. It must have fallen out of your bag." she shrugs. "Has your mom called yet?" she asks as my phone turns on.

I see that I have no missed calls and let out a sigh of relief. "Not yet."

Right as the words leave my mouth, the sound of my ringtone fills the air. I glance down to see my mother calling, my heart rate suddenly accelerating. Why am I so nervous?

"Are you going to answer that?" Lisa asks as I stare at my phone.

"Yeah." I take in a deep breath and exhale. "Hello?" I finally answer the phone.

"We're at the back entrance like you instructed." My mother's voice comes through the line.

Well, hello to you too.

"Ok, I'll be right there." I mumble, already regretting this decision.

"They're here already?" Lisa asks.

"Yep." I confirm, straightening out my clothes and fixing my hair, wanting to be presentable for my judgmental mother. "Have a good show and we'll see you afterwards." I give her a small smile, trying not to show my nerves.

"See ya." she smiles back.

I walk to the back entrance to go find my mother and Katrina to let them into the arena. Lisa insisted that she can get herself to the stage on time tonight so I can enjoy the full concert with my family. When I go outside, I'm able to spot Katrina's naturally red hair instantly, it sticking out like a sore thumb. My mother is beside her with her dark brown hair down in waves, dressed in normal clothes. I'm so used to seeing her in scrubs with her hair up in a bun.

"Hey, mom." I greet her with a small smile, debating whether to hug her or not. My mother's not a very affectionate person, so I generally let her take the lead on any sort of physical contact.

"Jennie." She gives me a tight lipped smile.

"Hey, Katrina." I say, trying to be friendly.

She doesn't look up from her phone or say anything to me. The ungrateful little brat.

"Well, let's go to the sound board. The show will be starting soon." I say, flashing security my pass and leading them inside.

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