Chapter 1 - War Never Changes

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Y/N's Perspective
Saturday, 23/10/2077
Sanctuary Hills, Massachusetts, USA

I sat at the bar in my kitchen in a pair of jeans, a red and black t-shirt and a lightweight jacket, a fresh cup of hot coffee in my hands as I stared out the back window.

"I can't believe they fucking sent me home..." I complained to nobody in particular. "Could be out there making a difference, now I'm sitting here alone 'cause some fucker armed a land mine in the trench and I was the closest person to point the finger at..."

I was startled out of my rant by a knocking at my door, and I clutched at my side to grab an assault rifle that was no longer there. I sighed and rubbed my forehead, standing up as the person knocked again.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!" I shouted as I approached the door, looking through the window to see a Vault-Tech employee standing on the other side.

I pulled the door open and the representative of the company gave me a smile and tipped the hat he was wearing. "Good morning, Y/N!" He exclaimed in the same cheery tone he always did.

"Mornin', David." I replied nonchalantly, giving him a small smile as I leaned on the door. "Got anything else for me to sign today?"

"Oh, no Y/N." David shook his head, holding his hands up on either side of him to show he didn't have any paperwork on him. "Everything's been signed and processed, my good sir. I just wanted to stop by to tell you that the vault will be open for a pre-nuclear event tour today!"

I nodded, going over the idea in my head. I could go to it, that way I'd get to learn the layout and meet some of the staff. "I'll remember for later. What time does it start?"

"Oh, just at 10. You've got plenty of time until then, but I'm sure you're a busy man so I'll let you go!" David said, stepping back towards his Vault-Tech van. I gave him a final nod and a smile before closing my door, heading back to my coffee.


I sat on the couch with the TV on the news, my black & white Adidas sitting on the carpet in front of me as I polished off my second cup of coffee today.

"The vault tour is soon... better put these on and get moving." I said, bending down and grabbing one of the shoes.

The announcer on the TV continued to spit nonsense before someone rushed onto the set and whispered something into his ear, handing him a piece of paper. His face went white, and he stuttered for a moment.

"We've... we've just received reports of... flashes, blinding flashes followed by... sounds of explosions... We're... we're trying to get confirmation, but we seem to have lost contact with our affiliate stations."

My heart froze in my chest as I finished tying up my shoes, my entire body tensing up as my eyes slowly made their way to the TV.

"We do have... coming in... confirmed reports. I repeat, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania. Dear God... our soldiers were right... war never changes."

Sirens started to go off outside, making me jump up and clutch once more for a rifle that wasn't there as I looked at the door.

"I need to get to the vault... now!"

I jumped over my couch and swung my door open so hard it hit the wall beside it and broke off its hinges. I didn't care though, I needed to get to that vault. I broke into a sprint down the street, pushing past my neighbours and jumping over fences to get to the vault. If there were detonations in New York, there was no doubt that we'd probably be next. Even a nuke set off all the way in Boston would wipe us clean in a matter of moments.

I got to the fence and was stopped by a soldier with a clipboard, standing in an open fence gate. "Woah, restricted access kid." He said, putting his hand out.

"I'm on the list." I said, pulling my dog tags out from under my shirt and showing them to him.

"Young adult male with army service... go on through." The soldier stepped to the side and I hurried past him, seeing a gear-shaped platform in the centre of the top of the hill, where around eight of my neighbours stood. I joined them on the platform and let out a shaky breath, fearing the worst.

"Alright, that's it, send it down!" I heard one of the soldiers call out to the control booth behind us and the platform shuddered, beginning its descent into the earth as a blinding light shines from the direction of Concord, making everyone on the platform, myself included, gasp in horror as the mushroom cloud rose and the shock wave could be seen moving towards us.

The platform went down just in time, protecting those on it while anyone left on the surface was blown away. The descent down was fairly long, but we were greeted well upon our entry. The vault supervisor was waiting for us, and he led us through to the main room where we were all given a Vault 111 jumpsuit to wear while we were staying in the vault.

After we put our jumpsuits on, we were all led down a hallway and to a room filled with cryogenic freezing pods.

"Please, just step into the pod with your vault suit on." The head scientist announced to the room, people one-by-one following the orders. When I stepped inside my pod, the door closed and the head scientist appeared in the small window in the front. "The pod will decontaminate and depressurise you before we head deeper in the vault. Just relax."

With that, he walked away and the pods began to cool down before finally freezing up, putting all of the civilian inhabitants into a deep sleep as the surface world changed forever.

A/N: I know, you must be disappointed. There's no furry girls yet, and all you've learned about yourself is that you flinch and probably have PTSD. Always a good sign to see that you're holding up well.

I promise we'll get into the good stuff in just a little while.

Burn Bright & Carry On

The Furry Fallout: Book 1 - The World After The War (Male Reader x Furry Harem)Where stories live. Discover now