Chapter 3 - First Contact

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Y/N'S Perspective
Wednesday, 13/07/2287
Sanctuary Hills, Massachusetts, USA

I was dumbfounded by the sight of the world before me as I walked back down the mountain and into Sanctuary Hills, as the entire place was in ruins. The houses had parts of the walls missing, the trees were mostly without leaves and strange plants grew in place of things like grass and grape bushes. Things seemed to be alive, though. That was what counted.

"...all I'm saying is that if we do this right, we can make a settlement here-" I ducked behind a house as a male Australian accent rung out in the street, accompanied by three sets of footsteps.

"While I love that idea Red, if we get too much attention then those shitbag raiders from Lexington will come out and wipe this little spot off the map." A feminine voice replied, her accent indicating some sort of British descent. 'So far, no Americans...' I thought to myself, though there was still one set of footsteps that hadn't spoken yet.

"Well Kat, if we were big enough for Jessica's raiders to target us, wouldn't that mean we would have enough fighting power to hold them off?" The third, also female voice was a mix between a British accent and an American accent, though her American side was more prominent than the British.

The voices began to fade as they made their way up the street, and as they did I let out a sigh of relief. I had got two of their names, or at least indications of their names through the nicknames they were using, but I didn't get the chance to look at them. One of them was Kat, which likely stood for Katherine. She seemed like their trio's boss or leader, and definitely knew what she was doing. Red was a harder case, as it was more likely a nickname stemmed from his hair colour, which would have been ginger for them to call him that. The second girl however wasn't named in the conversation, so if I wanted to find out her name I'd have to follow them.

I obliged with a quiet groan before crossing into the next backyard, following their movements. They had gone quiet as they walked, but they eventually stopped at the house across from mine, where a bunch of equipment that wasn't there when I left was. I peered around the side of my house and almost screamed out in shock as I saw something I never thought I'd see in my entire life.

The trio weren't human at all, instead something that was likely a result of our meddling with biology and the creation of new life before the war. The three were Anthropomorphic animals, covered entirely in fur, standing on their hind legs, wearing military-styled clothing, carrying weapons and talking and acting just like any human would.

I made the mistake of stepping backwards without looking where I planted my foot, cracking a stick under the sole of my shoe. "Shit." I whispered as the trio immediately went silent, all looking towards my position.

I heard the American-British anthro whisper something to the other two before the three sets of footsteps started again. One started coming towards me while the other two went up and down the street respectively. From beyond the corner of the house I could see Red walking up the road with an AN-94 in his paws, focused on the space in front of him. I shuffled over to the back window of the house I was hiding behind to see Katherine doing the same with an FN SCAR in her paws.

I was about to stand up and turn around before someone gasped in shock behind me, making me spin around in surprise to come face-to-face with the third anthro, who appeared to be a fox in her early 20's. "Are you... a human?" She asked after a moment of looking at me, a gleam in her eyes. I nodded slowly, unsure whether she was going to hurt me or not. "Oh my gosh, no way!" She shouted, likely loud enough so the other two could hear. "Come on, I've gotta show you to my friends- they're never gonna believe this!"

The fox put her right arm around my shoulders and pulled me from the backyard, beaming brightly as she brought me into the street. She was a little taller than me, so she didn't have any problems with getting her arm up to my shouler.

"Swift, Kat!" She called out, looking up the street as Swift stopped in his tracks. "Come here, you won't believe what I found!"

"So, uh... who are you?" I asked as the fox's friends approached us, looking up at her. 'God, having to look upwards to be eye level with someone gives me the chills... she can't be too many inches taller than me since I can still see her face pretty clearly without having to get on my tip-toes, but still...'

"Oh yeah, I haven't introduced myself!" She exclaimed, letting go of me and giving me a smile along with offering her paw to me for a shake. "I'm Claire!"

I returned her smile and shook her paw, making her giggle with excitement. "Well it's nice to meet you Claire, I'm Y/N."

"Claire, what did I tell you about making friends with ghouls?" Katherine asked as she arrived at us, already pointing a gun at me. I gulped and looked at her nervously, letting her study me.

"Kat, that's not a ghoul... ghouls don't have hair and don't wear clothes like that either." Swift said, poking me with the barrel of his gun. "What're we gonna do with him?"

Katherine seemed to go into thought for a moment, stroking her furry chin and looking down at the floor. "Well, we could sell him. He's a cute one, so he might go for more."

Claire immediately objected to the idea, showing her distaste of it by grabbing me and pulling my face into her chest, giving Kat a stink-eye and growling defensively. "No way are we selling Y/N!" She shouted, still holding me against her chest. "I found him fair and square, so I decided what we're doing with him. And we're keeping him!"

I'll admit, Claire's chest was warm and soft, but one thing it lacked was fresh oxygen so that I could still breathe.

"What if he's just some useless bum?" Swift asked, his footsteps indicating that he was pacing back and forth slowly where he was.

I tapped Claire's arm to tell her to let me go so I could breathe, and when she did I sucked in a massive breath of air. As I came to the realisation that she had pressed my face between her breasts, my cheeks lit up with blush.

Katherine giggled at this, taking me by the waist and looking at me with her glowing green eyes. "What's wrong, little man? Did the big bad fox trap you with her chest~? I can show you better, if you want~" She teased, making Claire growl once more, staring daggers at Kat.

"Oh come on Kat, leave him alone." Swift said, shaking his head at Kat while Claire looked as if she was about to kill the feline currently holding me captive.

"Oh come on, I'm just mucking around." Kat pushed me back towards Claire, who wrapped me in her arms and held me against her body, her mounds pressing against the back of my head. "I won't touch you anymore if that's what your master wants~" She teased, earning an irritated glare from Claire.

"Girls, please. Can we avoid fighting over Y/N? You're making this a lot more embarrassing for him than it ever needed to be." Swift interjected, stepping in between Kat and Claire, who still hadn't let me go. "Claire, I'm sorry but that means you have to let go of him.

Claire grumbled and reluctantly let go of me, though she quickly took my hand in her paw so Kat didn't have a chance to snatch me away and do whatever was running through her feline brain regarding me. The gesture made my face light up a little, and unluckily for me Claire caught a glimpse of it as we walked back towards my neighbours house, making her giggle a little bit.

"We've lost too much daylight to do anything right now, so I think we should head to sleep and tackle it in the morning." Kat said as we walked into the house, sitting down on one of the single seater couches in the room. "Hopefully, Sanctuary Hills we be good enough for us to stay here."

"Even before the war, this was a wonderful place. I'm sure you'll all find it a great place to call home." I said, giving the trio a smile as we all followed Kat in and each sat down. Me and Claire, who was still holding my hand, sat down on a red two-seater, while Swift sat down in the second single seater.

"Wait, what do you mean 'before the war'?" Swift asked, looking at me inquisitively.

"I used to live here... a long time ago."

The Furry Fallout: Book 1 - The World After The War (Male Reader x Furry Harem)Where stories live. Discover now