Chapter 8 - Seeing Stars

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Y/N's Perspective
Thursday, 14/07/2287
Sanctuary Hills, Massachusetts, USA

I sat on the front steps of my house in the clothes I left the vault in, waiting patiently for 10 to arrive so I could head to the bridge with Clover. Claire was inside, peacefully asleep after our... evening. It was already pretty close to 10, being 9:50, but Clover didn't seem too eager on turning up to things early.

While I waited I messed around with my pip-boy, discovering that I could track my health and radiation poisoning from the device, use it as a map, use it to track jobs I'm doing or need to do, use it to play holotapes AND use it as a radio!

I looked up as I heard a door shut in the King's house, seeing Clover opening the front door with the same clothes she has on before. I smiled and stood up, making my way over to her and waving.

"You good to go, Clover?" I asked as I arrived at where she was standing. She gave me a small smile and offered her paw. I took it gently as we began walking, neither of us saying anything until we got to the bridge and laid down, holding hands as we looked up at the stars.

"Before Naomi and her allies found us, Jason and I used to do this all the time..." Clover said, tilting her head to the side to look at me. I did the same and gave her a small smile, which she returned. "I haven't been able to do this for a long time, so this is nice..."

She scooted closer to me, laying on her side and resting her head on my chest as we watched the stars glimmer in the sky. I put an arm around her and pulled her just a little closer, causing her to let out a little giggle.

I looked down at Clover with a soft smile, who returned it when she saw it. "I used to do this with an old friend of mine, way back in high school. Her name was Nora... you kind of remind me of her, y'know?" I said as I began to gently comb my hands through the long, snow-white hair on her head. "Except a lot fuzzier, and way more adorable."

Clover giggled at this, smiling happily up at me as the two of us enjoyed the moment. She climbed on top of me and snuggled into my chest, causing me to blush a little.

"Hey, you know you're missing watching the stars, right?" I asked after a moment. She nodded, but it didn't seem like she cared too much about that.

"I know... sitting out here with you is enough, y'know?" The blush deepened a little bit at the compliment. "I could get used to doing stuff like this..."

"We can make this a weekly thing, if you want-" I suggested, idly playing with her hair as we sat under the stars together. "I've even got another spot I can take you. It's got a great view. I think you'll like it."

Clover was about to reply before she was cut off by a yawn, which surprised her for a second. "I guess I'm more tired than I thought..." She muttered, hopping off me and standing up. I got up as well, brushing some dirt off my clothes before smiling sweetly at Clover.

She returned the smile before putting her paws on my shoulders and deadpanning me for a second before jumping up and wrapping her legs around my waist, and her arms around my neck. "Can you carry me home...?"

"Of course, Clover." I said with a smile, beginning to walk back up the street. As we walked, Clover's tail started wagging back and forth quite a bit. I smiled, finding it kind of adorable.

When we arrived at her house, I carefully crept to her room and set her down on her bed, crouching down next to it and smiling at her as she groggily took my hand in her paw and smiled back at me.

"Tonight was wonderful, Clover." I said softly as I stood up, letting go of her paw and turning to walk away.

"Y/N, wait-" A white paw grabbed my wrist and pulled gently, stopping me from leaving. I turned around to see Clover standing in front of the bed, her pink sweater discarded for a black crop top. She looked up at me with the most adorable puppy-dog eyes ever, my heart threatening to melt away in my chest at the mere sight of it. "Do you think you could stay...?"

The Furry Fallout: Book 1 - The World After The War (Male Reader x Furry Harem)Where stories live. Discover now